chapter 12: Bond

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They all just stood there, Engel stare at Lana's hand, he was shocked that they found the exit key, Abbie whispers to Lana.

Abbie: Lana, I think it's better if we run.

Lana: yeah I agree.

Engel takes out the knife from his pocket, Lana and Abbie ran away from him, Engel go chased after them.

Lana and Abbie run but they are still talking.

Lana: what should we do now?

Abbie: uhh Lana, you had a crowbar right?

Lana: yeah, what about?

Abbie: you can literally use that against Engel.

Lana: oh right, I'm stupid.

They both chuckled abit and focused what situation are they in, Engel was about to stab Abbie but Lana raised her crowbar and hit him with it.

Engel fell to the ground which is painful since he got hit by a crowbar, Lana then apologize to Engel then continue to run.

Lana: sorry and goodbye!

Engel looked confused and mad at the same time he got injured, again.

He headed to the nurse office to bandages the injury, he took of the bandages on his left eye and replace it with an eye patch, after that he goes out again to find Lana and Abbie.

While with Lana and Abbie they stopped at the middle of the hallway to breath.

Lana: I think that's far enough, we find the key, now we need to find Claire and the others.

Abbie: yeah, I hope we didn't ran up to him, again.

Lana: yeah, I hope so.

While with Claire, Ruby and Riley,
They're both still in the storage room, Claire makes sure the hallways we're clear, she's gonna go out to find Lana and Abbie.

Claire: you two, stay here I'm gonna look for Lana and Abbie

They both nodded.

Claire: and remember, used something to block the door so no one gets in, get it?

They both nodded, Claire heads out, Ruby pushed the cabinet to block the door, she also keep an eye on Riley since her right leg got stabbed by Engel.

Back with Lana and Abbie,
They both we're walking to look for Claire and the others.

Abbie: Lana?

Lana: yes, Abbie?

Abbie: will we survived from Engel?

Lana: yes, we will, we all doing this together, remember?

Abbie: yeah, but what if I died? You tried to save me but you died too?

Lana sigh.

Lana: don't worry, we are totally gonna survived this.

Abbie: are you sure, Lana?

Lana: it's okay, it's fine but if you die, then I die with you, remember we will always be together no matter what.

Abbie smiles abit.

Abbie: thanks, I guess that's not too bad, even if we didn't survived we are still together, right?

Lana: yes, we are always together no matter what.

Abbie's cheeks turn abit red and smiles abit.

Abbie: you know that makes me feel better now.

Lana looked at Abbie with a smiled on her face with her eyes closed.

Yandere Engel Fpe AU [First Story]Where stories live. Discover now