Chapter 6: relationships

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It was the next day, Claire wakes up and goes downstairs but she didn't see her parents she checked if their are still in their room but they aren't there she noticed the closet and saw there's some clothes that's missing, she then saw a note on their desk from her parents it says.

The note: dear Claire, you're father and I won't be home for a month, because you're father and I went to a business trip, if you need something to eat you can go look at the cabinet in your room where we put money in there for you to buy something you need, stay safe sweetie and remember you're father and I will always love you with all of our heart. -mom

Claire: guess I will be alone at home for month I guess, Lucky today it was saturday so that means I don't have to see Engel at school, what a relief I better make myself some breakfast.

Claire goes to the kitchen and makes herself some breakfast, she makes peanut butter and jelly sandwich since she doesn't know how to cook yet, after she eat her breakfast she goes upstairs to take a shower.

Meanwhile with Engel,
He is still sleeping but felt upset cuz it was saturday it means that he cannot meet Claire until monday, suddenly Bubbles texted him, she seem mad.

Bubbles:hello Mister, is it true you excused me for smoking?!

Engel:well yeah, what about it?

Bubbles:why did you do that? I-I thought we we're friends!

Engel: we are but you've been so close to Claire ever since it was her first day!

Bubbles: well you should've just talked to her or something! It isn't that hard!


Bubbles:why are you quite huh? Aren't you gonna reply or something?


Bubbles: just reply!!! You idiot!!! Why are you mad when I'm closed to Claire? You know you are her friend too! You can literally just talked to her!

Engel: you wanna know, huh?

Bubbles:yeah, I really wanna know.

Engel:okay, my reason it's because I liked her.

Bubbles:uhhh, you liked her romantically or-

Engel:YES, I really do liked her, romantically.

Bubbles: knew it!

Engel: wait you knew that I liked her?

Bubbles: yeah obviously, I saw the way you looked at her.


Bubbles:well uhh Engel, I had to go now cuz I'm freaking busy.

Engel:okay bye I guess.

Bubbles: Okay goodbye, Engel.

They ended their text, Engel hoped that Claire didn't tell anything to Bubbles yet, he still lays in bed in his bedroom.

Back to Claire,
Claire asked Bubbles if she could come over to her house, that time when Bubbles was texting Engel, Claire texted her if she could come over to her house and bubbles gaved excused to Engel that she is busy and packs her stuff before headed to Claire's house.

Claire waited for Bubbles, she heard the door bell, she opened the door it was Bubbles, Claire and Bubbles jumped excitedly to get to see oeach other again even though it was just yesterday they still misses each other,

Claire and Bubbles heads upstairs to her room, they sit at the floor and had a conversation,

Bubbles: Claire, where is You're parents? Aren't they home or...

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