chapter 13: understanding

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Claire looked shocked and confused and then she asked again.

Claire: what do you mean?

Engel: well... I used to have a crush on this girl, she looked similar to you and had similar personality too.

Claire: ohhh...soo how is it because of you?

Engel: well....

* the flashback(this was before he is in paper school btw)*

Engel was just walking around the school until he accidentally bumped to a girl, he lends his hand to help her up.

The girl: s-sorry! I didn't watched where I was going I promise I will be careful next time!

Engel: know you don't have to.... apologize....

The girl: huh?

Engel chuckled as the girl confused.

Engel: well it's my fault that I bumped to you since you we're short.

Engel was teasing the girl, the girl was annoyed and Engel find it cute.

The girl: hey! I am not!

The girl crossed her arms and looks away, Engel covers his mount while laughing.

Engel: yeah yeah I'm sorry.

The girl looked at him.

The girl: f-fine! I forgive you.

Engel: by the way what's you're name?

Anne: my name is Anne.

Engel: cute name! Mines Engel.

Anne repeated his name to make sure she remembers it.

Anne: oh, it's nice to meet you, Engel.

Anne lends out her hand for a hand shake she smiles with her eyes closed.

Engel: it's nice to meet you too, Anne.

They both hand shakes and stood there silently until the bell rings.

Anne: jeez I better head to class see you later, Engel.

Engel waved his hand at Anne, when she is away he smiles and headed to his own class.

Time skipped when lunch time, Engel was just walking with his lunch, Anne nothing Engel and waves at him with a smile.

Anne: hey Engel, come sit with me!

Engel came up to her table and sat next to her.

Anne: soo, how was you're class?

Engel: it's fine I guess....

Anne chuckled, Engel then had this weird feeling and thought to himself.

What is this feeling? Did I have feelings for her? No no no no that's not it! She is just a friend dammit!

Anne snaps her finger Infront of Engel.

Anne: ummmm, Engel?

Engel jumped.

Anne: are you okay?

Engel: y-yeah, just....zoned out abit.

Engel chuckled and had abit red/blue on his cheeks, Anne looked confused but she ignored it thinking it's normal.

Anne: oh, that's good to hear I guess....

Engel noded, the time the more he is with Anne the more he fell in love with her, he always do anything for her to like him,he wants to say something but he was afraid that she might rejected him.

Yandere Engel Fpe AU [First Story]Where stories live. Discover now