chapter 8: new friends

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It's morning and it's time for Engel to head home, they say goodbye to each other, Claire closed the door behind her and felt relieved cuz he is not at her house anymore, Claire just going to get ready for school she is kinda sad cuz Bubbles still got suspended, she had to wait 2 weeks for Bubbles to come to school again, ugh f$ck you Engel.

Claire still mad at Engel for excused Bubbles of smoking, time skipped when she is at school she heads to her class and sits down, suddenly the two students walks up to her.

Lana: Hi Claire!

Claire:hi, how do you know my name?

Lana: well cuz Bubbles call you that all the time so I think that is your name.

Claire: ohhh that makes sense, what's you're name by the way?

Lana: oh I forget silly me, my name is Lana and this is my friend Abbie.

Lana had her arms around Abbie's shoulders.

Abbie: hi Claire..

Claire: oh hi Abbie, it's nice to meet both of you.

Lana and Abbie: it's nice to meet you too!

Lana: can we be friends pleaseeeee?

Claire: sure you two can be my friends I had no one to talk to anyways since Bubbles got suspended.

Lana: how did she got suspended? She did so well at school and she is a good student, she is kind how did she get suspended?

Abbie: I heard that she got suspended for smoking, I think.

Lana: wait she really did that?!

Abbie: I don't know cuz I only heard it from a rumors, is it really true that Bubbles smoke, Claire?

Claire doesn't know what to respond, should I tell them or should I lied? I should look around if Engel was watching me, she didn't saw him so she tells them the truth.

Claire: well actually Bubbles never smoke, she got excused smoking by Engel, and thanks to him now I have to wait 2 weeks so she could go to school again.

Lana: jeez what is wrong with him?

Abbie: yeah I thought he is the kindest person in this school.

Claire: it's cuz he was jealous that I was close to Bubbles.

Lana: can't he just talk to you or something? He can be friends with you too!

Abbie: yeah!

Claire: yeah I don't know why he didn't talk to me, like it's not that hard.

Abbie: yeah, he also asked us where you we're and why did you ignore him.

Claire: he DID?! Is he serious right now?

Lana: yeah he did, did you know what's wrong with? I mean, I do saw you guys talking before with Bubbles of course.

Claire: I don't know, he said he liked me, romantically when we we're first met.

Lana: ohh, what if he's in love with you that he would literally murderer someone for you?

Abbie: don't say that, Lana.

Lana: why?

Abbie: cuz I'm afraid it would be true that he be like that!

Lana: don't worry about it Abbie, I'm just joking.

Claire: yeah, it is a "joke" but what if he killed you?

Lana and Abbie stood silently until the bell rings.

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