Chapter 2: murderer for love

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Engel's Pov:
After school Engel said goodbye to Bubble and Claire, he blushes when he see Claire smiled, he open the door at his house, gets in and locks the door behind him, he went inside of his bedroom closed the door behind him and started planning how to kill Oliver.

Back to Claire,
Claire was in the bathroom to brush her teeth and washed her face to get ready for bed, she had to sleep early cuz she doesn't want to be late tomorrow, she was happy that she made new friends first one is Bubbles and second one is Engel, she feels like Engel was hiding something from her but she decided not to think about it.

She hoped that the bullies didn't get in her way, she also aware of them since Bubbles warned her, she also hoped that Engel didn't do something suspicious, when Claire shakes his hand, his cheek is red or blue but she didn't bother, she only focused on her future.

The next day at school, Claire gets ready for school as usual, when she arrived people has been talking about Oliver. Zip and Edward we're worry about him cuz he hasn't replying to his text and he didn't come to school, hmmn that was weird, then when Claire saw Bubbles and Engel she came up to them "guys?" Bubbles and Engel's turn their direction to Claire they responded "yeah?" Claire asked "why are all of the students we're talking about Oliver?" Bubbles response "well, that jerk didn't come to school today, that's not all he also didn't reply to his friends texts" Claire was shock and responded "huh, that's strange..." Bubbles responded "I know right? Me and Engel we're wondering why he didn't come he doesn't even replying to their text" Engel finally speaks "yeah, he always comes, not even a single absent cuz obviously he wants to see his girlfriend Alice"

Claire asked "Alice? Who is that? I never seen her?" Bubbles was about to respond but suddenly the bell rings, Claire, Bubbles and Engel head to class together.

Engel's Pov:
He felt relived that no one knows that he killed Oliver, he hoped that Alice didn't know it was him the one that kills his boyfriend, now finally no one can hurt Claire now.

What happens last night at Engel's:
Engel kidnapped Oliver and bring him to his basement, tied him to a chair Engel waits until Oliver wakes up, time skipped Oliver finally woke up was struggling to get himself free then he saw a feather headed boy standing right in front of him, Oliver yells "Where the fuck am I? Why do you do this?" Engel looks at him with a smirk then leans to his face "oh, I do this because you tried to ruined Claire's first day, you know she would be hurt and I don't want that" Oliver looked at Engel, Oliver looked so pissed at Engel and shouting at him to let him go

"LET ME GO! Why do you even cared about that bitch?! Ugh!!" Engel stabbed his shoulder which Oliver scream in pain "don't you dare call her that! If you did you're life is over, right here!" Engel continued to stab his shoulder, his chest and his head

He did until he stopped, Oliver didn't breath which means he is dead, Engel then said "ohh~ poor thing, I wonder what would his girlfriend react if she founds out that that her boyfriend is DEAD!" Engel laugh and after that he decided to take his organs and eats it.

Okay back to Claire and the others,
It was lunch time, Claire saw that Engel zoned out, she lean to him and wave her hand in front of him "hello? It's lunch time Engel, are you okay?" Engel jumped when he saw Claire when her face was close to his face, his face was full of red or blue(maybe) he then responded and pushed Claire's face away gently "y-yeah I'm okay just zoned out you know" he giggles abit, they all went to the cafeteria together after they got their sits Claire asked about Alice and Bubbles the one who explains it "well Alice is a monster, she was at her room all the time, everyone was scared of her even the teachers" Claire look surprised "wait, the teachers are scared of her too?" Bubbles noded and warned her "yeah, whatever you do, don't come to Alice room or open the door, you know what might happen if somebody open the door, she will kill anyone, she torn people into pieces" Claire looked scared and gets it why anyone is scared of Alice "what about Oliver? Did she kill her own boyfriend?" Bubbles response "I think she didn't"

Claire was shocked she then hopes that wouldn't happen to her.

Time skipped it was time to go home Claire and the others packed their stuff but then Engel came up to Claire and poke her shoulder which got her attention, Claire asked "Yeah Engel, do you need something?" He then responded"can I talk to you for sec? Alone? Just the two of us?" Claire was confused and felt suspicious of him "yeah sure.." Engel tells Bubbles that he and Claire would be back in a minute. He grabbed Claire's by the wrist, Claire hoped that he didn't do something suspicious, he brings her the storage room where no one else could see them, Claire seem confused

Engel then speaks up "Claire" Claire them responded,"yes, Engel?" Engel then asked Claire "were friends, right?" Claire responded "yeah and?" Engel smirk and pinned her to a wall(he only puts his hand on the wall) Claire was shock and didn't know what Engel was gonna do with her, Engel smirk and leans to her ears whispers "don't tell anyone that I do this to you~" Claire was confused "tell wha-" Engel kissed her, Claire was shock she wants it to stop but it didn't worked she had no choice but to just stay like that until he stopped.

It's been 3 minutes and they we're done Engel was blushing while Claire felt so embarrassed and didn't want that to happen ever again, "hmm do you liked it?" Claire responded "no, I will not doing that stuff again" Engel responded with a smirk "okay then"

Claire and Bubbles went home together, Claire tried to forget what Engel did to Claire.

[Sorry guys I forget to put the warning where they swear and went Engel kissed her, and I'm sorry if this chapter is short i will try better next time😭]

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