chapter 10: survival

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Claire, Lana and Abbie we're walking in the hallways looks for their classroom, they looked for it together so they wouldn't get killed, they all looked for it until Claire tripped which she fell to the floor, Lana and Abbie also we're tripped,

They look back to see what they're we're stepped on, it was another corpse,

Lana: jeez, it was Cubbie's corpse.

Claire: yeah we should watch where we are going or we might tripped again.

Abbie: yeah I agree.

They all gets up, grabs their things and continue to look for their classroom, until the knife flew and it hits the ceiling, it almost hitted Lana.

They looked back and saw Engel is the one who threw the knife, he turns on his chainsaw and go chased after them, they all ran away from him.

They ran like a few minutes, it stopped when they found a place to hide, at the inside of the room they we're also corpses of teacher, it's Miss Sasha and Mister Demi.

Lana: jeez, at least they got to see each other again, especially they died together.

Abbie: Lana, are you for real?

Lana: what? They both we're always together, I saw Miss Sasha always comfort him.

Claire: okay there's no time to ship people in this situation, we are literally almost dying because of that feather freak.

Abbie: yeah, I agree with Claire.

Lana: alright I'm sorry for not taking this seriously.

Claire: it's okay, we might survived this if we able to do this together.

Abbie: she's right, Lana.

Lana looked at Abbie, she nodded and smiled.

They all grabbed their things and walks out again to continue to find the classroom, they watch their stepped to make sure they won't tripped again, after a few minutes looking for the classroom, they found it.

The door was left opened, they saw a few many corpse of their classmates except some of them survived it's Riley and Ruby they we're hiding the whole time, Claire came up to them.

Claire: hey, are you guys alright?

Ruby: yeah we're alright, I thought we we're the only one survived, how did you guys survived?

Claire: we ran out of the classroom and hides in the library.

Ruby: the ones who tried to kill us, is it really him?

Claire noded Ruby looked in fear, Riley tries to calm her down.

Lana: calm down, we can get out of here, let's grabbed our bags and head out.

Abbie: but if Engel found us we must ran as fast as possible and find a good place to hide.

Riley: okay, then.

They all grabbed their bags and headed outside to find an exit door, Claire finds the exit door when she tried to opened it, it locks.

Claire hits the door and sigh of frustrations.

Claire: dammit, we need to find the key to get out of here.

Lana: what should we do now?

Ruby: I guess we all have to find the key.

Claire: okay guys we need to split up, Lana and Abbie you guys will look for the key at the teachers offices, Ruby and Riley you two will looked for the key at the principal office.

Abbie: what about you?

Claire: I will look in every classroom at the teachers desk.

Ruby: are you serious? Can you really go by yourself? What if you get hurt?

Claire: it's fine, I have my axe, I'm not afraid to use it.

Ruby: okay then, let's go Riley.

They all split up to look for the key at different places, Lana and Abbie we're going to every teachers offices, while Ruby and Riley we're looking at the principal office, and Claire was looked at the teachers desk in every classroom.

Suddenly she hears a footsteps she raised her axe and looked back to see, it Engel, he was about to stab her with a syringe but Claire dodged it and ran off, Engel was chasing after her he keep threw a few knifes at her, Claire hits the knife with her axe while running.

Engel: come back here, idiot!

Claire: Nuh uh.

Claire makes sure she watches her step while running cuz she might gonna fall if she didn't she will end up dying, Engel was almost closed to her, luckily Claire has an axe she scratch Engel's left eye, Engel screamed in pain and fell to the floor, he covers his left eye which is injured right now.

Which Claire had time to run, Engel was so furious.

Engel: just wait you little b!tch, I will get you next time and I will have you all to myself....

Claire was still running and stopped when she arrived at another classroom, Claire took a few breath.

Claire: I think that's far enough lucky there's a classroom near me.

Claire goes into the classroom and of course saw a few corpse, she headed to the teachers desk to look for the key she also checks the drawer too but there isn't any key, she gets out of the classroom looked for the another classroom.

Meanwhile with Engel, he gets up and tried ts find a nurse office he finds the nurse office, he grabbed a bandage and bandages his left eye, he looked at his hands there's so many blood on him, he smiled and licks his bloody hand.

He grabbed his knifes but this time he brought so many syringes incase if he throws it at her and misses it, he puts his things on his pocket and grabbed a chainsaw and heads out again to look for them.

Meanwhile with Claire she didn't find anything, she decided to go back where she came from, she hopes that the others is safe, especially Ruby and Riley since they didn't have their weapons.

Claire was just walking and keeps thinking how was Bubbles doing Claire took of her bags and checks what was inside but nothing is useful soo she just wears her bag and continue to walk back where she came from hoping that nobody gets hurts when she is not around.

Meanwhile with Engel, he nows eating a corpse that he killed cuz he was hungry.

Engel: well, that tasted good.

Engel was full and continue to look for anyone else.

Back with Claire she already came back where she came from, she felt worried about them cuz Lana and Abbie she was worried that Abbie might died and Lana couldn't saved him she hopes that wouldn't happened, she worries about Ruby and Riley cuz they had no weapons which can get them killed easily, Claire was thinking.

Claire: should I help them or...?

[Guys that's the end of chapter 10 sorry if it's short cuz the next chapter, one of them would have a battle with Engel, okay guys this is just a short chapter I will be making chapter 11 tomorrow I need to rest and listen to a music now bye pookies ♥️♥️♥️ love you♥️♥️♥️]

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