chapter 5: fear

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Engel's Pov:
It was morning and Engel was still sleeping suddenly his alarm rings which woke him up, he stopped the alarm by stabbing the alarm clock with a knife, the knife still had Oliver's blood cuz he forgot to clean it, he goes downstairs and washed his bloody knife and makes himself some breakfast.

Time skipped, after he finished eating his breakfast he goes upstairs to take a shower, after he showered, he puts on his clothes, grab his back and goes out closing the door behind him and headed to school.

At school, he saw Claire was alone by herself yeah I forgot Bubbles got suspended, he came up to her and said hi to her, she doesn't look happy.

Claire:is it true that you excused Bubbles of smoking?!

Engel:no I didn't, s-she's lying!

Claire:oh come on Engel, why would Bubbles lied to me? Why do you do this? Why do you excused her? She didn't do anything wrong!

Engel:okay fine I did and I'm not gonna tell you why.

Claire:Engel, you literally broke her heart cuz she thought you we're her friend.

Engel:well she is, but I have my reason why I did that.

Claire:well, tell me!

Engel:tell what? Tell why I did that to Bubbles hmm?

Claire:yes, just tell me why do you suspended Bubbles?

Engel:oh I did that because of you.

Claire had a confused on her face


They both stood silently for 5 seconds, then finally Engel speaks up.

Engel:yeah, I did that because of you.

Claire:what do you mean you did that, because of me?

Engel:oh Claire, you looked so cute when you're mad, what I mean is, because I liked you, since I met you I had this feelings I don't know how but you know hehe and I'm jealous when Bubbles we're so close to you.


Engel:and you guys might be wondering why Oliver didn't come, right?


Engel:do you know why he didn't come?

Claire:uhh I don't- wait, don't tell me-

Engel:yeah, I killed him, cuz I don't want him to hurt you, I didn't only killed him I also ate him too.

Claire: you eat people? That's disgusting!

Engel:yeah and if I able to get rid of Bubbles not in the harm way though, soon you will be mine!

Claire looked shock and can't believed that she and Bubbles we're right after all.

Claire: hmph I knew it, me and Bubbles knew.

Engel:oh, you guys already knew? That's good.

Claire:soo, what do you want now?!

Engel walk around Claire and learns to her ear.

Engel: I want you do not tell anyone that I did all of this, but if you do, you know what might happen to you.

Claire was more furious but Engel pulled Claire's face to make her turned to him.

Engel:so, would you tell them? If you did you know what I'm gonna do to you.

Claire:fine, I won't tell!

Engel: especially Bubbles, she cannot know too, if you do it, I will kill her.

Claire looked Engel in fear when he said he will kill Bubbles if she tell anyone especially her.


Engel puts down Claire face and pats her head, and had an innocent smile.

Engel:good, I had to go now, see you next time, Claire.

As Engel walked off, Claire looked in fear she holds her tears because she doesn't want Bubbles to die soo she had to listen to him.

Time skipped, after class it was lunch time, Claire didn't want to eat since she has no appetite when she heard what Engel might do to Bubbles, she cared so much about Bubbles since she was her friend and helped her find the principal office.

Claire ran to the bathroom, looked at the mirror and teared up, she cried cuz she was afraid of Engel, she thought Engel was an innocent person that was kind to everyone but he's not.

Time skipped, it was time to go home, she packed her bags and rushed to go out but suddenly she bumped into Engel, she looked at Engel with fear, Engel lends out his hand to help Claire up but Claire pushed his hand away and stand up by her own and runs past him, Engel looked confused but he's didn't not bother to chase her.

Claire runs back home, opens the door and closed the door behind her she locked it soo Engel couldn't come in, she was breathing cuz she was tired running from him, Claire takes out her phone and thinks if she should tell Bubbles or not,

She decided she doesn't want to since she was aware that Engel was watching her, her parents isn't home yet, she goes upstairs, grabbed her towel and takes a shower, time skipped, she puts on her pajamas, grabbed her phone but suddenly she notice there's a black figure standing at her window she walked towards the window to have a closer looked,

She was shocked to see Engel was watching her, she opened the window to asked him.

Claire:hey! What are you doing Infront of my window?!

Engel:oh, you finally notice hehe.

Claire:what do you mean?! Are you stalking me?

Engel:well not exactly stalking just watching you and Bubbles we're talking about me.

Claire:y-you did?

Engel:yeah, I knew what you've guys been saying behind my back.


Engel:yeah, I know you insult me too! It's hurt you know but lucky I didn't take you.

Claire:take me?

Engel:well I meant kidnapped you.

Claire:jeez, you're terrible!

Engel:you too! You insulted me by calling me "feather headed b!tch".

Claire:well it's true though! You literally had feathers on your head!

Engel:well it was part of it! Now can you just shut the hell up?!

Claire:just get out of here! You m0ther f4cker!

Engel:fine! Whatever, but that doesn't stopped me from hating you.

Claire: yeah, yeah, just get out.

Engel ran back home, Claire closed her window and rest abit, time skipped her parents are finally home, they also bring dinner with them, they had dinner together, after they're done with their dinner, Claire goes upstairs to brush her teeth.

Claire keeps thinking about Engel cuz she was surprised that Engel liked her but she doesn't know if he liked her romantically or as a friend well it doesn't matter, she heads to bed and Bubbles text her and asked if she's alright and did Engel do anything to her.

Claire replied to her that she is just fine and Engel did do anything to her, Bubbles didn't believed Claire and asked her again, Claire said Engel did said something to her like not tell anyone what he did especially her,

Bubbles was shocked when Claire tells her that Engel killed Oliver, that's why he didn't come to school, Claire also told her that Engel knows about they're conversation Bubbles was shocked Claire tried to calm her down,

Time skipped after she texted Bubbles she headed to sleep, Engel didn't watched her since he was forced to go home by her.

[That's the end of chapter 5 jeez I'm starving I'm gonna eat now but before that chapter 6 will came out tomorrow or other day soo bye Pookies! Love ya💗💗💗]

Bubbles looked shock

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