chapter 4: victim got suspended

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At 12 am Claire suddenly woked up cuz she has to go to the bathroom, she saw a black figure standing at her window staring at her she wipes her eyes to havea clear view but when she opened her eyes they we're gone, Claire thought it was just her imagination, she heads to the bathroom.

Bubbles was still asleep, she had a dream about Engel.

In Bubbles dream,
Bubbles just walking in the hallway when she turned to the corner she saw Engel, eating a student, she tried her best to ran away without him noticing but he turned into her direction.

Bubbles:uhhh hi Engel...

Engel:oh Hi Bubbles, it was nice to see you!

Bubbles:yeah...uhhh did you do this?

Engel:yeah I did, since you saw it.

Bubbles:ummm...are you gonna get me next?

Engel:yes! How do you know!?

Bubbles:cuz you don't want me to tell you're secrets!

Bubble ran away from that place, Engel was chasing after her holding his knife Bubbles tried to find a place to hide but it's no use he can find her easily, she was tired from running and suddenly she tripped, she tried to get up but Engel was already Infront of her.

Bubbles:uuhh hey, we can talk about this, right?

Engel laughs

Engel jumped on Bubbles and stabbed her in the chest, Bubbles was screaming in pain, Engel didn't stopped stabbing her, suddenly Bubbles woked up scream.


Claire looked shocked and ask

Claire: Bubbles, what's wrong? are you okay?

Bubbles was in tears she hugged Claire.


Claire:it's okay, Bubbles it's just a nightmare, okay?

Claire hugged bubbles

Time skipped, they go back to sleep.

The next day in the morning Claire and Bubbles was getting ready for school Claire said goodbye to her parents, Bubbles also said goodbye to Claire's parents,

They both walked together at school and saw Engel at the hallway, they both came up to Engel and said hi.

Engel:hi! Sorry if I didn't come today, I was sick and not able to move.

Bubbles:hmmm should've had told me!

Engel:sorry, I forget to tell you that I didn't come, I promise I will never do it again!

Bubbles:okay I guess...

Engel:and Claire, are you still mad what I did to you?

Claire:yeah, but I forget about it now...

Engel:okay then.

Engel pats Claire's shoulder and walks off, Claire and Bubbles think Engel wasn't telling the truth, they headed to class and talks about Bubbles nightmare.

Claire:wait, he really did that?!

Bubbles:yeah, he did he then tried to kill me next cuz I was gonna tell his secret.

Claire:jeez you better be careful Bubbles, who knows, maybe you're nightmare will become real.

Bubbles:yeah, I guess I will.

The bell rings, they answering the test paper as usual (Engel also was in there class too)

Time skipped it was lunch time, Claire and Bubbles headed to the cafeteria, along with Engel,
Claire and Bubbles hoped that Engel's didn't know their conversation.

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