chapter 3: be aware

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Claire cannot stopped think about what Engel just did to her, she can't believed he did that especially since Oliver didn't come to school, he also didn't reply to their friends message's, which is strange, I guess I will have to find out, myself.

Engel's Pov:
I can't believed what I just did to her I hoped she isn't mad at me, it's fine if she's mad at me it's cute, she still doesn't know that I kill Oliver she's not suspicious of me right?

I should just get ready for school, I can't wait to see Claire, just the two of us, but that won't happen since Bubbles is her first friend and the closest one of course she would hang out with her instead, I can't just killed her cuz she didn't do anything wrong but she always been so closed to Claire, sorry Bubbles, I had to killed you cuz I wanna be closed to Claire instead, even though you're my friend I had no choice but too kill you too.

Back with Claire,
She packed her stuff and goes downstairs and eat her breakfast, once she's done she said goodbye to her parents before closing the door behind her and heads to school,

Claire couldn't stop thinking about Engel since he kissed her randomly yesterday, but she doesn't want to bother cuz right now she need to study first before investigate what had happened to Oliver, if Oliver didn't come today aswell I would be more suspicious.

Time skipped when Claire arrived at school she still didn't see Oliver, she came up to Bubbles but didn't saw Engel, he always with her, talking but he was not with his today, Claire pokes Bubbles shoulder which got her attention, Claire asked "Did Oliver come? Cuz I didn't saw him and where is Engel? Isn't he always with you this morning?" Bubbles response "yeah he didn't came either his friends we're getting worried about him, well Engel I don't know where he is I've been waiting for him but still no sign of him" Claire responded nervously "maybe...he is absent? Or something?" Bubbles also responded nervously "yeah, maybe...he is absent..yeah, guess it's just the two of us! But didn't you think it's strange when he's absent I mean it is normal but he usually would text me that he is absent but he didn't" Claire thinks and responded "hmm....maybe he forgot?" Bubbles response "I mean, that is a good reason but...he should be texting me now but he didn't, which made me feel something was off" Claire response nervously "yeah me too, he seem to be hiding something or is it just me overeating, Engel didn't want me to tell this to anyone but he kissed me randomly yesterday at the storage room, which kinda freaked me out".

Bubbles responded"hmm that's strange.... He also did that when Oliver didn't came" Claire looked scared and says "don't tell me he..." Bubbles feels bad for Claire and tried to comfort her, she is aware what might happen to her "it's okay, calm down I will protect you, Claire! If you even needed someone, go find me somewhere, okay?" Claire responded "you better be careful Bubbles when you are alone, he might be somewhere or he be watching us right now" Claire looks around especially the ceiling above her too see if somebody watches them, Bubbles responded "don't worry Claire, I won't die I promise and plus why would he killed his own friends" Claire smiled abit Bubbles also did the same, then the bell rings, they both headed to class together.

They we're studying, Claire pokes Bubbles shoulder "do you need something, Claire?" Claire responded to her, she seemed scared right now "y-yeah you..w-want to come t-to my house, after school?" Bubbles asked "why do you want me to come to you're house? Are you okay, Claire? You know you could always tell me anything if you have problems, okay Claire? And sure I can come" Claire smiled abit and responded "thanks I do need some company right now, after you know..." Bubbles responded "yeah...of course" they continue to study, time skipped when their first class is over and waiting for there second class while waiting they keep talking about defending themselves from Engel, they were now aware of Engel's action.

Engel's Pov:
Should I killed Bubbles or.... I don't know, I bet she is with her right now, what am I gonna do? Wait, she was shouting at the cafeteria yesterday Infront of everyone, I think she might get detention, perfect, but how am I supposed to get rid of her? Hmmm oh I know! I could get rid of her in other ways which she could stay alive, sorry Bubbles I guess you will be moving then. Engel's smirk and started planning.

Back to Claire,
Claire was now alone since Bubbles got detention after lunch, "ugh guess I'm on my own now then, great..." "I hope nothing bad happened" but it's fine she hoped she could handle it when Bubbles is not with her.

She spend her whole day without Bubbles, when after school Bubbles we're free to leave and they got home together, but they we're still aware of Engel's action, Bubbles goes back to her house and packs some stuff before she headed to Claire's house.

Back to Engel,
I changed my mind, I won't come to school cuz I was trying to find a way to get rid of Bubbles without harming her, I also didn't text her why I didn't came but nahh it doesn't matter, are they any ways to get rid of her without harming her? Even if I did harm her Claire would be suspicious of me not only her, everyone else will.

I think there is a way to get rid of her without harming her but it's not easy to do it, it takes all day to finished it, I had no choice but to do it, hope it works if it didn't worked I guess I just have to kill her.

Back to Claire,
Bubbles was at Claire's house, they were having a sleepover, they didn't tell Engel soo he could not know what they're been up to, Bubbles and Claire having a conversation until Claire's parents calls her out for dinner "Coming, mom!" They both when downstairs and Claire introduced Bubbles to her parents, Bubbles introduced herself, her parents seem to like her "Claire, you had a good friend" Claire thanked her mother, time skipped after they finished they're dinner.

They go back upstairs and closed the door behind him and continue to have a conversation (which also includes about Engel's action) "hey, Bubbles I think we should go brush our teeth and head to sleep, it's late now and I'm tired" Bubbles responded "yeah, you're right Claire, I go get my toothbrush from my bag" time skipped where they're done brushing their teeth, they went to bed and said goodnight to each other.

It was peaceful until....there was a black figure at her window staring at her it had feathers at their head, who could that be?

[Okay guys that's the end of chapter 3 if I hoped I make it longer enough chapter 4 will coming soon or tomorrow you guys can give me ideas for the next chapter, okay guys love you!!♥️ And who was at the window? Try to guess it you guys obviously already knew]

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