chapter 7: nights with a yandere

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While with Claire and Engel, Claire headed upstairs with Engel and talked abit and Engel had explaining to do.

Claire: sooo, you liked me? romantically?

Engel noded cuz he was afraid that she might got mad.

Claire: how do you liked me anyways?

Engel:I don't know, I just had this feelings when I first met you.

Claire: and? Are there any reason why you killed Oliver, Zip and Edward?

Engel: well it's because I don't want them to make you sad, soo I just killed them.

Claire: hmmm, I guess you really cared about me, huh?

Claire smirked while Engel cheeks was red/blue.

Engel: y-yeah....

Claire: hmmmm, okay....I guess...

They both being silent for a damn 5 minutes and Engel finally spoke.

Engel: you know, I was wondering, did you liked me back?

Claire looked at him with a concern on her face since she didn't have feelings for him.

Claire: sorry but no, I had no feelings for you, don't kill me please cuz I have parents.

Engel: I won't kill you unless if you treated me pretty badly, you won't see you're family again.

Claire: jeez, that'

Engel:yeah it is.

Claire started asked Engel.

Claire: hey, can I ask you something?

Engel: yeah sure, I would love to answer them for you.

Claire: Bubbles said that you're parents died, is that really true?

Engel: you really wanna know, huh?

Claire:yeah cuz I'm curious and I don't think that's a joke.

Engel:yeah it's true, my parents died in a car accident when I was turning 16.( I know it's not canon, but in this story, it's canon that Engel's parents died and he lived alone)

Claire: jeez sorry for you're loss, it must be hard for you, right?

Now Claire started to feel bad for Engel.

Engel: you feel bad for me aren't you? Don't worry about it, I still forgive you though.

Claire: you sure?

Engel: yeah, I'm sure.

Claire: yeah I'm so sorry for what I did to you, I just didn't know.

Engel:it's fine it's fine, I forgive you.

Claire and Engel had an emotional moment until it was late, Claire looked at the clock.

Claire: it's late now, maybe we should head to bed, remember what Bubbles said.

Engel:yeah, I know I know.

Claire:good now let's head to bed you can sleep on the floor.

Engel: uuhh why? Can't we just sleep together in bed?

Claire: ummm no, cuz I know what you might do to me sooo go sleep on the floor NOW!

Engel: okay okay, fine I will sleep on the floor.

They both headed to bed, Engel was sleeping on the floor of course, they sleep until...

Engel woked up and sleep beside Claire, Claire cuddles him cuz she thought that was her pillow, Engel blushed alot when Claire cuddles him, he also head to sleep too and he had a good sleep.

Yandere Engel Fpe AU [First Story]Where stories live. Discover now