Chapter 9: the war had begin

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Claire was finally home, she puts all of her groceries in the freezer(she organized it of course) she heads upstairs and jumped into her bed, she felt really tired that she slept in bed but someone was watching her through the window.

The next day, Claire woked up by her damn alarm, she headed downstairs to make herself breakfast she now can cook breakfast cuz that freaking Engel teached her how to damn cook but she still hates him though.

She was done making her breakfast and eating while texting Bubbles, Bubbles we're worried about Claire she hopes that Lana and Abbie we're not getting killed or something.

After Claire finished her breakfast she takes a shower, change into her clothes, grabs her bag and heads to school, she hoped this day would be great and hopefully no one is getting hurt.

Suddenly, she feels like someone pulled her, covering her mouth and threw her at the alleyway which she fell and tries to get up, she looked up.

Claire: are you kidding me?!

Engel: no I'm not.

Claire: what do you want?!

Engel: I know you already made another friends, I want you to stay away from them!

Claire: why should I?

Engel: cuz I will killed them if you didn't do as I say.

Claire stood up and slapped Engel in the damn face, Engel smiled and chuckled.

Engel: you think this is the way to stop me? No, no I don't think so.

Claire: can you stop being insane? You literally tried to get rid of the person that I'm closed with!

Engel: can you just shut up, Claire?

Claire: no, never.

Engel:, fine then, then I have no choice.

Engel grabs a knife from his pocket and walks closer to Claire, Claire took a stepped back, Claire was in fear.

Claire: u-uh what are you doing?

Engel: you know, I have no choice because you already tell them that I'm the one who killed Oliver or whatever just for you and this is my thanks?!


Engel: you're scared now?! Huh, you're so freaking stupid.

Claire suddenly hits the wall which is a dead end, it's over for her now.

Engel: guess no one will find you here and you will never see you're parents ever again.

Claire covers her head when Engel was about to stabbed her.

But suddenly,

Bubbles: Stop!

Engel looked back to see who was it, Claire looks at her with a smile and tears in her eyes.

Engel: do you get here?

Bubbles: well I just about to go get some fresh air but I suddenly saw you guys, you should've had find a better spot.

Engel: dammit, you freaking soap girl!

Bubbles took out her phone and shows it to Engel, Engel looked shock cuz Bubbles was calling 911.

Bubbles: let Claire go or else, you know what happened.

Engel looked furious, he lets Claire go cuz he doesn't want to be in jail.

Claire ran past Engel and hugged Bubbles with tears in her eyes.

Bubbles: good, now leave her alone, Engel.

Yandere Engel Fpe AU [First Story]Where stories live. Discover now