Chapter 12

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The next day, it was a grey overcast type of day. Louise decided that it was definitely a Netflix and chill type of day. Louise picked up her phone and smiled at the good morning text she had received from Brendon.
Once breakfast was done and out of the way, Louise made herself a tea and got some snacks. She settled down and watched movies all day.
Without realising it, it had gotten dark outside. Louise got up and turned the lamps on in the living room. She turned the TV off and Xena followed her to the kitchen.
She fed the pets and her self. She decided to take a nice hot bubble bath. Louise soaked and was relaxing, when she heard a noise from the backyard. The dogs were barking their heads off. Louise got out of the tub and wrapped a towel around herself. She wandered to the patio doors and turned the backyard and pool lights on. She couldn't see anything, yet the dogs were still barking. Louise stared outside. She felt so uneasy. She went around the house, making sure that all the doors and windows were locked. The dogs calmed down. Louise got into her pj's. She went to look outside again and still couldn't see anything. It felt eerie. Louise jumped as her phone rang. It was Brendon.
"Brendon!" Louise said a little panicky.
"Hey Lou. You ok?" He asked.
"No" Louise laughed nervously. She then explained what had happened .
"It was probably an animal" Brendon suggested.
"Yea probably" agreed Louise. They chatted for another 10 minutes. Louise heard another noise, from the utility room. The next thing Brendon knew he heard Louise scream and the phone went dead.
"LOUISE! LOUISE!" Brendon shouted.
Pete came running in the room followed by Patrick and Mike Naran.
"What's wrong?" Pete asked. Brendon told him what happened. " Call the police" and that's what Brendon did.
He paced furiously, running his fingers through his hair. He explained everything to the LA police department.
Pete grabbed his car keys, "Come on!" He said to Brendon. All 4 men went out to Petes car and got in. Brendon thought this was the longest journey of his life. It was a 3 hour drive to LA from Petes. There was a stoic silence in the car. Soon they saw the landmarks and lights of LA. Brendon let out a big sigh.
He wasn't sure what he would find at home.

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