Chapter 15

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Karl started to panic. He pulled a handgun out of his pocket. Louise let out a piercing scream. She feared for her life now, more than ever.
Karl untied Louise and took her through to the utility room, where there was broken glass on the floor.
Louise looked around for a weapon. All she could see was the sweeping broom. Karl twisted her arm up her back.
"You better not try anything bitch. That fuckwit out there will be hurt if you do."
"No, please don't hurt Brendon." Louise pleaded.
"Brendon, huh? That's his name? Should have figured it would be something fancy like that" He chuckled. "Do exactly as I say ,and no harm will come to him."
"Ok" Louise agreed. He started to move towards the broken window he had climbed through.
"Up!" He commanded Louise. She climbed onto the washing machine. Karl was behind her. Louise felt this was her chance. She turned towards Karl and kicked him away with all her might. Karl stumbled backwards and fell onto the broken glass. "Fucking bitch!"
Louise jumped down and started running towards the front door. Then a gunshot rang out. At first Louise didn't know what was happening. She then crumpled to the floor in a heap. Blackness took over.
Karl stepped out of the front door. He dropped the gun and put his hands up. Police surrounded him and placed him in handcuffs.
"S-shes d-dead" Karl said dazed. He started to sob. As he passed by Brendon and the others, he said "Now neither of us can have her".
All 3 of the other guys had to hold Brendon back from punching Karl.
The paramedics entered the house. Louise lay on the floor, in a pool of her own blood. One of the paramedics checked for a pulse. He shook his head,"I can't get a pulse." The other paramedics started CPR as stickers were put on Louise's chest to monitor her heart.
"Clear!" The paramedics said as he shocked Louise's heart. Nothing.
As they carried on CPR hope began to dim. "Charge to 360! And clear!" That's when a gasp of air escaped from Louise. "We have a pulse. Let's load and go. She needs emergency surgery" Louise opened her eyes. She was wearing an oxygen mask. As the paramedics took Louise to the ambulance, she heard a voice she had been longing to hear.
"Omg, Louise" Brendon grabbed Louise's hand. Louise clung to it, letting out a sob. Brendon got in the ambulance with her.
"We will follow behind" Pete said as the doors closed.

When they got to the hospital, Louise's heart stopped again. The bullet had grazed her heart, but the damage was still done. A Dr entered the Trauma room. She checked Louise's vitals. She shocked Louise again and her heart started to beat. " Ok, surgery now. Dr Kepner you are with me!" And off they went to surgery.
A nurse came to talk to Brendon. He sat with his head in his hands, wondering if he would ever see Louise alive again.
"Mr Urie?" The nurse enquired. Brendons head shot up. His eyes were red from crying.
" Miss Wenno has been taken up to surgery. Dr Yang is one of the top cardiothoracic surgeons in the country. If you come with me, I will show you where to wait."
All 4 men got up and followed the nurse. They went to wait on the surgical floor waiting area.
"Should I call her Mom?" Patrick asked.
"Omg, I forgot about Edith. Yes please call her and let her know. If she needs money for plane fare use my credit card." Brendon said handing his card to Partick.
"So what now?" Mike asked.
"Now? Now we wait." Brendon said as Pete handed him a Costa coffee.
They all sat in silence, waiting to see what the morning would bring.

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