Part 29

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Trying to regain focus, Riley pulled both hands to rest on her head with her elbows planted on the table, forcing herself only to see the paper in front of her. So intent on avoiding James, Riley nearly jumped out of her skin when the whole table vibrated from James' phone.

"Fuck that scared me" Riley chuckled breathlessly as she looked up.

James laughed before becoming solemn "I gotta go. Kristin just texted me that she's upstairs in the library waiting for me."

"Ah" Riley hid her disappointment, "Ok. Well at least we got some work done".

"Yeah," James replied, packing up her bag quickly.

Riley copied the motions as she packed her own back while James moved to hold the door open. Riley had her bag on the table when she made eye contact with James. Was it lust? Regret? Frustration? Riley didn't know. All she knew was that she swung her bag over her shoulder, took four steps, and then her lips were pressed against James'. They were locked together no more than twenty seconds before Riley turned abruptly and walked away, leaving James frozen in place, still holding the door open.

Smugly, Riley glanced back briefly, saw James with her mouth agape in shock and amazement, and asked with a smirk "Coming?"

Riley didn't wait for an answer and instead pushed through the door to the staircase and held it open for James with her back leaning against the door. Riley only processed James walking towards her with a look of determination before James had pressed into Riley, their mouths meeting again. The momentum had resulted in the door closing behind them while Riley stood with her back now firmly pressed against the wall. The kiss was frantic this time. As if James was trying to take in every bit of Riley she could. As though they would never kiss again. Hands ravaged hurriedly to hips then waist, holding the other close. It could have been thirty seconds or an hour, Riley didn't know, before they pulled apart, breathless. Their eyes searched the other's, flashing from lips, eyes, mouth, nose, chin, cheeks. Searching. Yearning.

Panting, they came to their senses slowly and realized they could easily be found and both glanced around, contemplating their options. Not wanting to stop but too aware of their surroundings now, Riley suggested "We should probably go up..."

Looking as if that was the last thing she wanted to do, James reluctantly agreed "Yeah" and let Riley lead her up the stairs. Once she stepped into the bright library, Riley squinted, the lights felt blinding. She felt exposed. Spotting Kristin, James gestured for Riley to follow and despite her reluctance, Riley did. Riley felt outside of herself as she watched James explain to Kristin that she and Riley had a psych project they were working on together. Riley nodded along until she was able to come up with an excuse to leave, certain Kristin could see the stain of James on her lips.

Adrenaline coursed through her veins as Riley rushed to find haven at her dorm. Riley knew she needed to calm down before entering the building so she took an extra lap outside and pushed the thought of what just happened from her mind. Luckily for Riley, Kenny was distracted by the other Kelsey and Steph who were blaring music in the living room. Relieved, Riley went straight to her room, dropped her bag on the floor and plopped onto her bed, staring at the ceiling. Riley didn't know what to do. She had never been so desperately attracted to someone before like she was with James. It felt like there was some gravitational field that pulled Riley closer whenever they were together. Yet James was with Kristin. And no one could know about her feelings. Riley suspected she could tell Kenny without judgment but was already worried about Kenny and didn't want to add to her burden. With fresh determination, Riley vowed to avoid James.

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