3. worth it

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don't tell me I'm too hard to please

that you're worn down from fighting for me

a real man knows what he's signing up for

and if you don't then I'll show myself the door

'cause I'm worth it

you're crazy baby if you think that I don't know it


At lunch the next day, I was seated across from Raegan and had Tatumn to my left, so the entire period was nothing but yap. While they are funny together, my two over-the-top best friends can be quite loud at times. I was leaned over the table trying to help Hannah with her math homework.

"Dude, why is Skye so weird?" Morgan walked over and slammed her hands on the table, causing Hannah's hand to shake, which lead to her throwing her pencil at the brunette.

"What'd she do this time?" I questioned, picking up the pencil and giving it back to it's rightful owner.

"She gave me these two potential lineups for the scrimmage tomorrow and asked me which one I thought was better, then she proceeded to talk my ear off about one of them. I'm assuming it's hers based off the interaction." She handed me a crumpled up piece of paper and held up another one.

I straightened out the one I was handed and recognized it immediately. One click glance showed me it was the paper I'd given coach Elrod yesterday. The other piece of paper Morgan was holding up was a lineup I recognized after noticing a certain midfielder and right-back flipped and a different striker.

"What the fuck's her problem?" I sighed, putting my lineup in the pocket of my backpack. "I'll tell Soph and Lex."

"Which one is coach rolling with? Because I don't think Lani's ready, I think Ellie is much better." Morgan asked, finally sitting down. She folded the paper into an airplane and threw it at Tatumn's chest.

"Well I gave her the one you gave me. I made that up, Soph and Lex liked it. Skye was arguing over some weird stuff...I don't know how she got my paper." I scratched my forehead and dropped my head into my hands as Hannah tapped my arm.

"Help." She pointed to one of the problems on her assignment.

"Skip it. I have to go talk to Soph and Lex." I got up from the table and took Skye's lineup from Tatumn before she could drop it onto Jonah's tray. Then I walked to the other side of the table and tugged Morgan's arm to bring her with me to visit the captains.

On the way, we stopped to get sodas from the lunch line. As we were in line to pay, someone pushed her way through the people behind us to get to me.

"Sammy! Sam! Sammy Sweeney!" I turned around and saw that I was face to face with someone I haven't seen in a good few weeks.

"Via! Hey!" I smiled and gave her a quick hug. "I haven't heard from you! Where've you been?"

"Ah, we got stuck in Italia for a few extra days, what a shame..." She shrugged.

"You know Morgan Rivera right?" I asked, motioning to the girl beside me.

"Of course I do. How've you been, Morgan?" Via charmed a blush out of the typically level-headed Morgan.

"I've been alright, you?" She asked.

"Little tired today, we got in late as hell last night..." Via shook her head. "Happy to be back though."

"Do you need a coffee or something?" I asked, attempting to pay her back a mere $2 of the hundreds I owe her.

"Sammy, will you quit it?" She rolled her eyes.

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