4. what are we doing?

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so what are we doing

what are we doing

'cause it feels like we're loosing

so what are we doing

i ain't been sleeping, been thinking instead


"Sammy!" Jonah called me over to where he was standing with Luke and a few guys from the football team. I made my way over to him and he rested his arm on my shoulder. "You have any idea where Cash went?"

"I didn't even know he was here." I said, sipping my drink. "It's a big house."

"You guys didn't talk about it at all?" He questioned, giving me a weird look.

"Nope. I sent the invite to the group chat and that was that." I watched as he did a quick scan of the room, and knowing that this would be the only way to avoid the question I was anticipating, I asked; "Do you want me to go look for him?"

"Only if you want to."

"I will then. I'll text you, alright Jonah?" I said as I backed up after he moved his arm from my shoulder.

"Sounds good Sam." He smiled, and got back to talking with his friends.

I shook my head and walked off to go find something to do. I was looking for Raegan, Tatumn, Hannah or Morgan when I was grabbed by someone suddenly.

"Looking good, captain." Via smiled as she fixed my sleeve. "Where are you rushing off to?"

"Away. Away from them." I pointed behind me, doubting she would be able to see the football players I left through the crowds of people.

"Ah. I see Jonah, is Cash over there too?" She stepped in a little big closer to me so we were shoulder to shoulder, and then she leaned into my ear. "Is everything okay with you two?"

"Just a little bit of a rough patch. That's all." I nodded, taking a long sip of my drink. A sad expression crossed Via's face as her hazel eyes met mine.

"Come with me." She grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs behind her, pulling me through groups of people that had gathered in the upstairs hallway to find peace from the craziness of downstairs.

Once we were in her (ginormous) bedroom, I laid down on her bed and she went to her vanity to fix her lip gloss. Then she went into her drawer and took something out, next making her way to her walk in closet. She dropped a bottle of alcohol in front of me. I assume it's some rich person alcohol or something.

Via climbed up next to me and opened the bottle, which had about a third of it gone already. She poured a little bit into my empty cup and then poured in some soda.

"Give it a try." She said. She watched intently as I put the cup to my lips and took a sip. I nodded when I took the cup away, she her smile grew. "Good, right?"

"Holy shit." I put my cup in my lap, double checking to make sure it wouldn't spill all over her blanket. "What kind of alcohol is this?"

"Some kind of vodka, I don't really know. I took it from my dad's big fridge. It's a lot better than anything downstairs." Via picked up the bottle and inspected it. "I'll make a drink for me and then we can go take shots downstairs?"

"You're the boss." I smiled as I took another sip. She got up and grabbed herself a cup, then she climbed back up onto the bed to make herself a drink.

We slipped out of her room and went downstairs. I grabbed my friends and she poured the shots out, two for each of us. Raegan, Tatumn, Hannah, Morgan, Soph and Lexi were gathered around the table with Via and I.

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