10. dirty little secret

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Tell me all that you've thrown away

Find out games you don't wanna play

You are the only one

That needs to know

I'll keep you my dirty little secret

Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret

My dirty little secret, who has to know?


I woke up the next morning completely in shock. The room I was in was slightly familiar. The bed was extremely comfortable and I was wrapped up in the most comfortable blankets I've ever felt.

I was also wrapped up in Sophia Fletcher's arms.

I wanted to curse myself out. I was wearing nothing but her t-shirt, which was also just about the softest thing I'd ever felt.

Damn rich people.

"Sophia Fletcher what the hell did we do???" I said suddenly, scaring her awake. She jumped away from me and I did the same, tumbling backwards off of her bed and onto her, once again, extremely soft carpet.

"All good there, Samantha?" She howled with laughter as she peeked over the edge of the bed.

"I hope you enjoyed the show." I grumbled. I grabbed a pair of shorts from off of her floor and put them on before climbing back onto the bed.

"Oh, I did." She smirked, sitting across from me. Like me, she was wearing nothing but a t-shirt. An awkward silence fell between us and she tried to fill it. "Sooo...you enjoy the party last night?"

"Clearly I enjoyed something last night." I leaned over and brushed my thumb against the side of her neck, where a highly noticeable hickey resided.

"How do you still look so pretty?" She asked, brushing a few strands of my messy, blonde hair out of my face.

"No way I look any prettier than you." I whispered, putting my hand on her face.

Fuck. Why am I doing this?

"Good shit, Samantha. Good shit." She put her lips on mine and I fell into the familiarity of the kiss. My arm instinctively moved around her waist, but I quickly pulled myself away.

"Who else is still here?" I asked. "We should probably go check. It's only 9:00."

"Damn, only 9:00?" Sophia rubbed the back of her neck. "We'll have to take a look."

She pulled on a pair of sweatpants before we left her room to travel down the hallway. A few doors were open, a few doors were closed. One of the open rooms had a bed littered with a few of our teammates, and a few more on the floor. The next open room was the twins and Tatumn, the one right next to that was Morgan and someone else. Two of the closed rooms were empty but one had Justine and Lexi.

"Should we check for pulses?" I joked, once again looking in the room with the twins and Tatumn. "Did anyone else drink as much as we did last night?"

"I's guess more." She laughed. "I don't know if you remember or not, but Raegan made you throw up your alcohol, but clearly it didn't work."

"Clearly you've got some skill, Fletcher. Not even my boyfriend of three years could take me to bed. You did it in one damn night." I smirked.

"Oh please. I've been flirting with you for weeks." She put her arm around her waist and pulled me in towards her. "And you were flirting back. You just didn't know it, Samantha."

My cheeks burned at her statement. Maybe I was slightly aware of the flirting, but how can someone resist Sophia Fletcher? Everything about her is perfect, from her dark brown hair to her strong legs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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