chapter 9

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Authors POV

"Don't worry darling i will be back soon with our yn. i will find her and take her back with me" Yns father said with concern.

Yns mother nodded in agreement. She  had very big trauma of losing her daughter. she can't do anything but hope that her daughter will come back as soon as possible.

Yns father pick up his stuff, pack his bag and loaded them in his jeep. Then he carefully placed a rifle gun in his jacket hiding it from Yns mother.

He hopped up in the car, bid a goodbye to Yns mother and drive off towards the island.

The city where yn used to live has a abounded shabby pull which leads peoples to that island most people don't go there cause it's known for danger.

there were many warning signs on it. instead of traveling from this pull people can also take boat to reach the island.

The Government of Korea closed the gates of the pull when they got to know about the innumerable murders and attacks of wild animals that were happened in that island.

The government set many signs "Do not go there" and "danger" on that pull but some people still go there while risking their life. even their government do not allow anyone go there.

Since the yn didn't come back home her parents were really stressed about it. When they come back from their business trip they waited for yn for one week.

They called her multiple times but she didn't answer any of their calls. They get the slightest doubt when none of her friends were picking up the calls done by their parents.

That's when Yns father report this Matter to the police. According to the FIR police started their work in search of the yn and her friends.

But when they got to know that yn went for vacations in the islands forest they said no without trying to find her there.

But when Yns father and her friends parents put force on them by some politicians cause Yns father is a businessman and have good relations with them.

Then and only then Police entered in the forest and looked for yn there. Their search for yn and her friends leads them to the hotel where they all stayed one night before they went for hiking. But that hotel was locked and no one was around there.

Then they asked some of the tribal people about her but they said that they don't know what they're talking about, they didn't saw any of them, it can be happened that the wild animals must have ate them.

When police heard that then they left from there hopelessly. And stopped their operation of finding yn and her friends.

When they told this to Yns father he disagreed to believe it that his daughter is no more.

he knows his daughter very well. she's really strong girl. That's why He decided that he will find her daughter by his own.

She is still alive if not then at least he wanted to see his only daughter's dead body.


Jungkooks POV

Everything was going great with yn. I was happy that she is accepting the change very fast. And as i said to her before she's also learning My tribal traditions.

Honestly her training going well but sometimes she seems like zooming about something and then she ended up hurting herself.

i love her so much and will try my best to provide her everything and makes her happy for the rest of my life even after that too.

i don't allow her to go out of the castle in the forest cause i don't know what's going in her mind. I will be the only one who will take her out for some tour but not now.

Later when i have full trust on her. Hope she's not planning to escape from here cause if she did this the consequences will be very bad.

Recently when i was on my round to check for everything around the forest. i met some police officers who were looking for my dear wife and her friends.

When they didn't get any clue in hotel they asked my tribal people and i know that they will never say anything against me,

that's why they said that they don't know what they're talking about they even gave them false news about the death of her and her friends.

They almost searched everywhere in forest now asking my permission to search in the castle. i didn't gave them permission instead i warned them.

"If i ever saw any of them coming inside my island i will kill them with my own hands and feed them to my pet werewolf and hyenas"

Poor cops they get scared the same way a mouse get scared of cat. They didn't even looked back just run away from here.

Why this outer world people doesn't understand that yn is my wife and i am her husband. She's the queen of my tribe.

I will never let her go! No Matter what's the situation is, her body, her soul only belongs to me!

Marriage must be a toying thing for the outer world but here it matters a lot. If she dies i will die too it's the main rule here.

I am really tensed about this matter. now i can't able to spend my time with her cause i have been working on the security of the forest.

Nowadays i barely talk to her. I didn't even told her anything about myself yet And i even become cold towards her recently cause i don't want her to become my weak point. hope she will understand this soon.

I had swear on the forest god and promised my late parents that i will protect my tribal people and will love my wife to the rest of my life.

The same way my father did to my mother....


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