chapter 11

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Authors POV

Yn slowly opened her eyes that's when she look around and found out that she had reached the seashore of the city where she used to live.

She ponders about ir and realized that she went into deep slumber while crying for Jackson.

Her eyelashes are still wet she wiped out those remaining tears from her eyes and cheeks with the back of her hands and Come out of the boat.

Now she have to walk off the pull to fully enter inside the city. Being tired and exhausted with the travelling and sobbing but without having any other choice she dragged her numb legs towards the bridge.

After completing half of the bridge she saw a jeep coming in her direction which was heading towards the forest island.

She squinted her eyes and waved her hands to grab the attention of the jeep driver.

she yelled "help me" several times till she fully caught the attention of the jeeps driver But when that jeep stopped infront of her. Her eyes brimmed with tears.

"Dad" she whispered slowly and hugged her father tightly.

"Yn my precious daughter" her father said while sobbing.

It's the same time when Yns father was going inside the forest with the help of pull to find yn but fortunately he met his daughter at the pull.

He couldn't able to control his emotions after seeing his daughter after two months. That's why he engulfed her in tight hug while crying with happiness.

"Where did you went yn from two months?" Yns father mumbled and expected a clear answer from his daughter.

But when he broke the hug he find his daughter unconscious in his arm.

"Yn!" He screamed in panic and tapped her cheek something But he still didn't get any response. He hurriedly makes her sat in jeep and drove off to the hospital.


At hospital

"Doctor how's my daughter?" Yns father asked with concern.

"She's just little tired and dehydrated that's why she lost consciousness Let me give her some medicines. Once she take her meals and medicine at the time then she will be fine" doctor ensured him.

"Doctor can i meet my daughter now?" His father asked again.

"Yes you can sir, she had already gained her conciousness back" she replied.

Yns father hurriedly went inside the room where yn was kept after her check up.

He was curious to know that actually what happened to his daughter in these two months but before he could ask anything to her, she said something unexpected.

"Let's go home dad i really wanna meet mom i missed her so much and i am really tired" yn said after meeting her dad.

Her father nodded in agreement.


At home

After reaching the home yns mother hugged her daughter with tears in her eyes she also missed her so much in these two months.

When her parents asked her about what happened in these two months then she told her parents that while looking for a good place to built a tent she and her friends get lost in the deep forest.

Then the heavy rain started and they all lost contact with each other. She lost her stuffs while looking for a place to keep herself safe from drenching in rain.

After looking for a while she finally get a cave where she stayed for two months seeking for help from anyone. She tried but couldn't able to find her friends.

She feeds herself fruits to keep herself alive in this situation. Sometimes she can't come out of the cave cause there were many wild animals roaming around the forest.

But one day she built a courage and made a boat then travelled the whole sea to reached her city And She ended up meeting her dad at the bridge. Then she reached her home safely.

Her parents were shocked to hear all the things from which their daughter go through in this past two months.

At this point we all clearly know that she lie very skillfully to her parents to save the lives of tribal peoples and jungkook.

It's because she knows that if her father got to know that what happened between jungkook and his daughter he might give someone a contract to destroy the whole island and kill everyone who comes in between.

She has some unexplainable feelings for jungkook and she wants him to be safe.


At jungkooks castle

"King we got this note from queens room" a tribal person said while handing a piece of paper to his king.

Jungkooks steadily took it from him and beckon everyone to leave him alone. After everyone left from there he opened that folded piece of paper to read.

I know whatever i did was wrong i broke your trust and betrayal you in worst way jungkook but you should also understand that we're really different i can't just live with you while forgetting my parents.
Jungkook you're a good person you deserves to live happily. Please forgive me and forget me and get married to someone else then spend rest of your life with her.

Yours faithfully

Jungkook closed his eyes as one tear escape from his eyes his feast balled with anger he crushed that piece of paper and threw it in the corner of the room.

"Yn i already said that marrying me is no joke it's either you have to spend your rest of the life with me or die" he screamed top of his lungs.

Suddenly one of his guard come inside the room and said "king that Jackson gained his consciousness back"

Jungkook snapped his eyes towards him and said " don't let him lose his consciousness again i wanted to have talk with him then i am gonna punish him terribly"

The guard nodded and left.

"Don't worry yn i am coming for you" jungkook chuckled sadly.


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