You walk into the living room and see everyone sat eagerly waiting for you speak.
You stay standing, it feels like you are about to perform, all eyes are on you.
Ellie:' hi, umm... so this may not be the most joyful conversation ever so i do want to give you a heads up this won't be pleasant. I joined the avengers awhile ago and have thrived to be honest, getting to know everyone here has been lovely, it truly feels like i've got a family here and this is the first place i have ever been able to call home.'
The avengers are taking in every word, Loki leans forward to pay attention and his eyes do not leave you.
Ellie:' i realise that all of you do not know where i came from before i joined, i know Fury was hesitant to disclose details, and rightly so, he was worried that you would all change how you'd see me. Anyway i'll stop stalling and get on with it' you laugh nervously rubbing your neck.
Ellie:' when i was 9 my parents were murdered by a group of delinquents and they took me for themselves. They somehow knew i wasn't born 'normal' i had abilities that they wanted for themselves. I don't remember much of my parents, but from what i can recall they kept my abilities quiet, until they couldn't..... The group in question were called UV i think it stood for 'unknown virus'. They were a big company of people who did unthinkable things to gain power. i was never sure what their goal was, all i knew is that they'd hurt anyone and everyone. The big boss' name was Rogue....*you pause, remembering how much pain his name can bring to you* He was a sadistic man who was thirsty for power. He knew about my abilities and took it upon himself to 'raise' me into his perfect weapon. At the age of 9 i went through immense training that to do this day i do not know how i survived. I was locked in a cell when they weren't training me.For the first few months it actually wasn't that bad, but something changed in Rogue, he became less patient and very cruel, he seemed to forget i was only a child. When i physically couldn't continue with the training, i'd be punished, when i couldn't figure out how to use my powers, i was punished. When he was angry, happy, bored or just near me, i was punished.'
You slowly remove your hoodie and tracksuit bottoms to reveal all the deep wounded scars that were ingrained on you.Not one space left unmarked. Covered in cuts and burns and electrocution marks everywhere. The team were left aghast, looking at all of you in horror. Some of the team had to look away, whilst some just sat in shock. Tears slowly fell from Tony's eyes, as did Bruce. Bucky looked like he had been stabbed in the chest, and Loki, he was struck.
Ellie: a few years later i got the hang of using my powers, so they sent me out on missions, in those missions i was expected to kill large groups of people and steal what was needed. If i didn't they threatened me. They entrapped loads of other children to teach them young, if i didn't complete the mission, they would harm them in front me. This happened once, somehow the people escaped so i wasn't able to do as i was told, and they abused her, i think she was only 7 years old *tears fall down your face but you continued to speak*. i was then about 18 years old and they decided to experiment, they tried to take some of my blood and isolate the genes that gave me these powers and inject them into 5 other subjects. None of which survived. I was blamed for this and electrocuted multiple times. Then when i was borderline unconscious i was surrounded by Rogue and 4 other men....*you pause for a while, unable to find the words of how to describe the next spread of events* they.....umm, well. took turns on me..... and then they did that often. Thats probably why you sometimes hear me scream out NO in my sleep, i can still feel them *you look down in shame* and its like... no matter how many times i shower and scrub i feel their dirty hands on me and i can't get rid of it *you breathe shakily before continuing* ..... A year passed and one day there was a guard who made a mistake, he left a door open, i saw my chance to escape so i took it. I ran, ran until i was in this massive field. I was free, my powers got more excited than i did and they released this massive field, to this day i'm not sure what it was but that is how Fury found me. He detected it as a threat so they came out as an emergency, but when they saw me, they knew i wasn't a threat. For months i stayed at a rehabilitation program with S.H.I.E.L.D they offered me support and therapy. That's when he spoke to me about coming here, using my abilities for good, he was nervous because no one is really sure what i am capable of, but he seems to trust me. So i suppose that leads me here, to today. Fury said there's been signs that UV have moved to start a new location, that's what he spoke to me about. They are out there somewhere, i have no idea where they are, or even if they are looking for me, but Fury said he'd keep me updated.'

Loki x yn What are you doing to me Loki ?
FanfictionLoki x Ellie fiction You're an avenger!! Being the glue of the group means you have an impact on everyone. They all love you and your bubbly persona, it's your job to make sure everyone is okay and happy.... but that all changed after you got brough...