Bruce woke up a bit startled by Ellie was by his side for him to wake up.
Bruce: 'wh....what' he stammers over his questions, wanting to ask them all at once so he could get the answers he desperately needed.
Ellie:' hey, you're okay' she said gently holding his arm 'i'll explain everything but just calm down a moment'
Bruce breathes in, and out ...and in... and looks at Ellie
Bruce:' so, catch me up' he said a bit confused.
Ellie:' well.... '*she went over the story on what happened at the mission after he got knocked out* 'but i knew you'd wake up skeptical of what was in the tranquilliser so i took a blood sample when i got you on the jet so you could look over it' *she said holding the vile of blood*
Bruce looked at it and sighed in relief: 'oh Ellie, you are fantastic, thank you' *he said very gratefully while holding her hand that was on his arm.* 'where is everyone?'
Ellie;' well, they took a bit of a hit so they are resting, but i wanted to wait for you to wake up so you wouldn't be alone, and yes nat is okay she is in her room'
Bruce nods, and then looks at Ellie; 'you look tired, have you rested?'
Ellie shakes her head: ' i wanted to make sure you were alright'
Bruce looks at his watch and it was 4 am: 'Ellie, please get some rest, you've earned it'
She nods and stands up, and he stands up with her so he could go to the lab.
Bruce; 'goodnight Ellie and thank you' *holding the blood sample*
Ellie:' yeah of course bruce anytime'
Bruce looks at her for a second before going in for a gentle hug: 'and..... i'm so proud of you, for taking charge of that mission. well done'
Ellie's eyes widened a bit in the hug hearing that and she had a sting of tears but she fought them back. She'd never been told that so it definitely pulled some strings
Ellie pulls away after a moment and looks at him:' thank you bruce'
she walked to her room absolutely shattered, but as she got to her door loki was leaving his.
Ellie:" oh hey.... you're up late?' she says looking at him confused
Loki:' yeah i....had some trouble getting to sleep thats all, why are you awake darling? you look, so tired' he asked with gentle concern
Ellie;' i just wanted to make sure bruce wasn't alone when he'd wake comes you can't sleep? do you want to talk about it?'
Loki thought for a moment, he never really spoke to anyone about anything so it was hard to accept
Ellie:' come on' she says opening her door and signalling for him to come in. He sits on the edge of her bed lost in thought. Ellie went to the bathroom to change into some baggy trousers and a hoodie, she was uncomfortable being in her uniform all day.
Ellie:' so' *she said sitting on her desk chair opposite him* 'what's on your mind?'
Loki pondered on the question, he wanted to be honest, but he didn't want to sound weak or silly, or a burden...
Loki:" its just..... i was completely powerless..... they put that collar on i was a dog. And i was just..... ' he couldn't find the words
Ellie:' did it make you feel like you were defeated?' she asked
Loki looked at her:' yes....exactly that....and so quickly' he scrunched his face and shook his head, unable to fathom how he was reduced to nothing.
Ellie nods in understanding and sits next to him but leans on the headboard, she was a bit behind him but they were both facing the TV in her room that was off'
Ellie: 'you've never been powerless, so for that to be unveiled must be....a range of emotion to say the least' she says softly
Loki:' how do you do that?' he chuckled sitting back to be next to her
Ellie:' do what?' she asked raising an eyebrow
Loki:' you just know always know what to say, you haven't made me feel stupid.... you just...'
Ellie:' Listened?'
Loki: '......yeah' he looked at her with a look of realisation.
Ellie shrugs: ' i don't know, i just want to help where i can'
Loki smiles:' i know, but remember what i said earlier, look out for yourself too. I mean it, you saved our lives, waited for bruce to wake up and even though you're tired, you wanted to make sure i was okay because i couldn't sleep, what about you dear?'
Ellie smiles : 'i know, but how could i sleep until i know everyone is okay'
Loki nods at the statement.' that is true i guess. anyway i will let you sleep darling' he stands up and opens the door
Loki:' sweet dreams Ellie, and thank you' he waves and shuts the door.
You sat in bed thinking over the mission.... he said he had hundreds of soldiers....and in different locations... but that was a different organisation, they're are so many now. Hopefully they don't try anything again anytime soon. But how did they have such vast equipment to restrain the avengers?? i mean its the avengers for fucks sake, how did he make them crumble so effortlessly... what if you weren't there to help? what if he did know about you? would he have been able to strip your powers too? surely not...

Loki x yn What are you doing to me Loki ?
FanficLoki x Ellie fiction You're an avenger!! Being the glue of the group means you have an impact on everyone. They all love you and your bubbly persona, it's your job to make sure everyone is okay and happy.... but that all changed after you got brough...