A tragic goodbye

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It was a normal day in the tower. Everyone was sat in the living room of the tower enjoying eachother's company. You were sat comfortably next to Loki on the sofa conversing with the team.

But there was an odd atmosphere....something didn't feel right.

J.A.R.V.I.S:' T...there...........is......an....intuddddd..alerrrrr....' It cut off and the room went dark.


You felt the hair on your arms raise, a chilling and uneasy feeling. Loki's grip around you tightened.

Tony:' Jarvis?' he said, leaning forward.

A hissing sound could be heard following an odd smell in the room.

Sam:" Hey i don't feel that great...anyone...els..." He fell unconscious 

You felt a pair of hands grab you and drag you off the sofa but you felt too sleepy to fight. you realise what was happening.

Ellie:" LOKI!!" you yell as you see his body drop and fall unconscious. But he could not hear you.

Bruce fought hard to stay away as he heard your blood curdling scream

Bruce:"Ellie!!' He said trying to stand up to find you but dropped to his knees as the men dragged you away

Ellie:" ....DAD!" you yelled for Bruce in desperation but you went limp. That was the last thing they heard from you....

A few hours go by and the team regain consciousness and check on eachother.

Steve:' Is anyone hurt??' he said checking over Bucky and Sam

Thor:' Brother are you alright??' he said rushing over to Loki

Loki woke up to his brother shaking him...and a sickening feeling

Loki:' where is Ellie???' he said feeling the empty spot next to him in desperation

Bruce woke up to Nat trying to wake up and looked for you....he felt sick....you yelled for him....called him dad...and he was helpless.

The team all looked round the building...Your room, the gym, the kitchen, the garden...anywhere.

Tony:' Jarvis, give me surveillance now!'

J.A.R.V.I.S:' Yes sir' 

He displayed the footage of the moment it happened... The team saw you being taken... the scream you let out was gruesome. Loki went pale and dropped his knees, Thor was by his side.

Thor:' we will get her back brother, fear not' he touched his shoulder.

Tony:' can we see where they went outside the tower?'

J.A.R.V.I.S:' I only have footage that reaches the car park sir'

Tony throws his cup on the floor and it shatters: 'FUCK' He paces around the room, covering his face with his hands.

Steve:" Tony" he said softly

Tony:' No Rogers we fucked up, we promised to keep her safe, protect her...and we failed, miserably' he looked angry

Bucky:" We need to find her'

Clint:' they could have taken her anywhere by now...'

Nat:' we can't just sit around and do nothing!"

Sam:" could it be the same guys from before??? they made us look weak, if we go back they'll do it again, we need to prepare...be ready. we can't crumble like that again'

Thor:" Then how do we prepare??"

Bruce:" i can work on a preventative.... the first time they knocked me out, Ellie took a blood sample, and i have been working on it i ...i just need some more time"

Loki:' we don't have time.... we have no idea what they are doing to her as we speak!' he finally speaks from the floor, he is angry, he is livid, he has murder in his eyes. How could they take the one thing he lived for....away

 Tony:" We need to prepare, and we need to find her...there is no use in us charging and being captured too, we need to think logically."


You woke up discombobulated in a big cell with thick glass surrounding you.

Y/n:' wh...what the f' you say blinking to try and get the fuzziness to go and sitting up right, holding your head.

2 men step forward to the glass. Watching you......smirking.

Man 1:" Good, you're awake' you recognised the voice a bit but not enough to know it

Man 2:' Nice to see you again...y/n' now that voice made your skin crawl....

it was..


Loki x yn What are you doing to me Loki ?Where stories live. Discover now