The limo arrives at the tower, Loki runs round the car so you would not have to open the door for yourself.
Ellie:'Thank you' you say as you take his hand stepping out of the car.
You both chat away and enter the tower to be greeted by.... everyone.
Tony:'wow, look at you!' he exclaims, he looks at Loki "you're not so bad"
Loki laughs at his sarcasm, at least he wasn't mean to him anymore.
Clint:'so how was your evening?'
Nat:'where did you go?"
Thor:"was it magical?'
Ellie:'guys please, enough with the questions' you laugh 'it was lovely, but i am going to change because no one told me wearing heels felt like balancing on a thin piece of wood'
you turn back to Loki "meet you in the room with the big screen in 5?"
Loki:'i'll see you there gorgeous' he says smoothly.
You walk to your room, not being able to break a smile, tonight was wonderful. Who would have thought you'd ever experience something like that, YOU got to go on a date with a handsome, gentle and kind man!! wow, if you'd have said that a year ago you would not believed it.
Slipping off the green dress and putting on a comfy pair of pyjamas, all black of course. You remove the makeup, yeah you felt pretty but you could tell there was something on your face and it would have bugged you if you had it on for any longer.
You grab your phone and go to meet 'your prince'
You enter to see him already sat down and comfortable. wearing grey tracksuit bottoms and a white vest.... what a combo, damn he looked good.
You walked in and paused
Loki:'is everything okay??' he questioned, noticing the puzzled look in your face.
Ellie:'did you make it colder in here?' you say noticing the obvious drop in temperature.
Loki:"oh, yeah. when we were in you room, i noticed you had a preference for the chilly side of things, as do i"
he really thought of everything
Loki:' i also raided the kitchen for some movie delicacies to have whilst we watch something' he revealed a big platter of popcorn, sweets and ice cream'
Ellie:'how did you know those are all the perfect film snacks?'
Loki:'when i first entered the tower and you guys where all in the kitchen this is what you all had so, it was a lucky guess, if you don't like something, consider it gone'
Ellie shook her head:'its perfect, all of it.... i'm impressed by your ability to remember little things'
you sit next to him and continue talking
Ellie:' so what else have you observed about me whilst you've been here?' you say taking some popcorn
Loki thinks for a moment:'well.... i know that you don't like lying based off of how much you sweat, which tells me you're an honest person. i know you are favoured in the tower based on how everyone treats you and how they help you, not because they have too, but because they want too, and its clear to see why. When you laugh you get these little lines across your cheeks that are adorable to witness, it makes me want to be funny, so i can see those lines often. You're strong based off how you carried yourself when telling everyone your story, you did not cower when speaking, you announced it with strength that half of us would failed if having to do what you did. When your nervous you play with the sleeves of your clothing, and you always have sleeved due to hiding away the marks, but up until recently you just fiddle with your ears, like you did at dinner'
Ellie:'i could have just found the earrings uncomfortable?'
Loki:'nope, you have always worn those earrings since i first came to the tower. Lastly, you have this gleam in your eyes when you listen to others talk, showing an interest, the gleam that i can see now' he says looking at you
his words were truly touching, he made you feel seen, he noticed all of that in such a short time.
Ellie:'wow....i..... loki i don't even know what to say'
Loki:"i'm pretty good i know' he smirks and grabs the remote 'So, what are we watching?'
you couldn't even think after everything he said, it was.... incredible.
Ellie:'i bet you haven't seen a single earth film have you?'
loki:'not one, on Asguard we watched live plays, only annoying thing about that was that you couldn't adjust the volume of anything, or stop it if you needed to use the bathroom. i always missed important scenes and for the longest time annoyed me for .'
you giggle and scroll to find a film that everyone has to see once in their life.
Ellie;' ahhhhhh, found one' you put it on and turn the light off.
Loki:'what is it called?'
Ellie:'Titanic' you reply
30 minutes into the film Loki grabs the soft blanket and covers you both in it, he also puts his arm around you, you naturally sink into him and lean on him. This is the life.
Eventually the film ends and you look up at him.
Ellie:'so, what did you think?'
Loki sighed:'they both could have fit on that piece if wood'
Ellie:'EXACTLY! glad i am not the only one who thought that'
Loki chuckles:'it was a good film, certainly could not have done that on Asguard, not with all that water'
Ellie:'true' you giggled whilst yawning. You realised the time, it was VERY late, i mean it was a long film.
Loki:'come on darling, lets get you to your room' he says standing up and offering his hand.
Ellie:'oh' you pull a saddened expression while taking his hand
Loki:'whats wrong?" he asks
Ellie:'i've just had such a wonderful night with you, feels like its gone to quick and now its over so soon'
Loki tilts your head up with his finger so you are looking at him:'well, that means we'll have to do it again then won't we' he says gently.
You smile at him and nod. He walks you too your room, even though his room only next door.
AN; HEYYYYYY i am so sorry i haven't been writing i have gone through a few months of hell but i came back to support and to find out i have a ranking???? thank y'all so much <3

Loki x yn What are you doing to me Loki ?
FanfictionLoki x Ellie fiction You're an avenger!! Being the glue of the group means you have an impact on everyone. They all love you and your bubbly persona, it's your job to make sure everyone is okay and happy.... but that all changed after you got brough...