You had a sickening feeling... how was rogue in the same as room as you, there was a feeling.. a certainty that you'd never see his smug face again...but apparently not
Rogue: 'i see you have already met my associate Caine' He pointed at the man next to him. You recognised him from that mission....many months ago, where he made the team fall apart.
Caine:' i must say, when i met you, you really caught my interest....until you trapped me in that cage meant for you have just pissed me off' he snarled
Ellie:"' you had way too many questions but not enough time to ask them.
Rogue:" i reached out to Caine awhile back..and when your name was mentioned, we decided to 'team up' and make you into the greatest weapon known to man'
You ...were....pissed.
You stand up, eyes going black and you levitate into the air, powers began to emit a dark black fog from you. Holding you hands up you are throwing everything in the room around you, like a tornado. A crack in the glass started to form as you screamed in rage.
Caine whispered to Rogue:" You sure this will hold her?"
Rogue stood there with a grin plastered on his face, he stood there watching intently with his arms behind his back
Rogue:' She'll get weak...she can't use her powers without becoming weak....just watch'
Eventually you lowered back to the ground and went were useless without never learnt how to use them without weakening you. One of your biggest flaws.
Rogue:" See? easy to work with now. We will keep a dampener on her then once we wipe her mind, we'll train her to use them and then we will have her at our control. She will be powerful, like no one ever before' He said turning away.
Cain watched, unaware of what you could do, but excited to discover more.
Rogue:" Chip her and then take her to the mental cleanser" He said walking out the room to get there to set things up.
You lay on the floor as guards walk in with a weird shaped gun. 2 of them pick you up by the arms and the other moves your hair and shoots you in the neck.
Ellie:' OW' you say at the new feeling of a chunk in your neck.
Guard:" She's ready, take her"
They walked you out the cell in chains. You felt so weak....they have dampened your powers...with a chip.
Your feet dragged along the floor and they carried you to a daunting room.
Ellie:" NO, YOU CAN'T DO THIS" but Rogue delivered a harsh slap to the face
Rogue:" oh i have missed doing that' he said gently stroking your cheek...before hitting you again. With a bloody nose they strap you to the chair.
You begin to mutter things....things you need to need to fight this as best as you could. in desperation, you replay whatever memories you could, before they were potentially gone forever
Ellie:" Bruce, bucky, tony, thor, clint, sam, steve, nat.....loki.....loki loki' tears sting your eyes at the idea of not being able to remember them all...your family....your friends...your...loki
A metal helmet covered your head and you shut your eyes in fear.
Caine:" Ready on 3"
Ellie's mind: 'laughing with Natasha, helping bruce, calming Steve after an argument with Tony, calming Tony after an argument with Steve, training with Bucky, cooking with Sam, insulting banter with Clint, Conversations with Thor about realms, Meeting loki, going on the date with loki, hugging loki..kissing loki...
Caine:" 3....2...'
Ellie's mind:" His long raven hair, calming jaded eyes, sharp jawline, tall broad physique, his smell, his voice....Him
You felt a harsh shock pass through your mind....your body...your bones
You shriek in pain as things go white. It felt like it had been going on for hours.
Loki is in his room holding his hoodie that you always wore....feeling that it looked empty. Everything looked empty....without you, what was there?? Nothing
Thor came in and saw him..distraught.
Loki:" i can feel it" he said in dismay looking at the hoodie
Thor:" You can feel what?"
Loki looked at him with a broken expression:" They're ...h.hurting her' He let out. He just knew what they'd do.... and he couldn't save you.
Thor looked at him in the same expression, it was a chilling sentence. And they could only sit by and wait.
You woke up in a cell, on the floor.
The room was unfamiliar, looking at your were unfamiliar.
Ellie;' What...what is this place?' you said looking around for some answers.
Rogue watched all this and walked up to you crouching down to your level
Rogue:' Home' he said watching you in fascination.
Ellie:' Home?'
Rogue:" yes, and we have much work to do'
Ellie:' Who are you?....who am i?? why don't i know...'
He smacked you hard
Rogue:" No questions, we have no time"
You held your face in utter shock and confusion. You may not remember anything, but that was not right...
Ellie:" why would you hit m...." He kicked you in the abdomen with power
Rogue:" Keep talking, i could do this forever' he growled, watching you hold your stomach in pain.
You stayed silent as you rolled into a ball with silent tears.
Rogue:" we begin training tomorrow morning, be ready....soldier"
You sat there, confused....lost.....scared?

Loki x yn What are you doing to me Loki ?
FanfictionLoki x Ellie fiction You're an avenger!! Being the glue of the group means you have an impact on everyone. They all love you and your bubbly persona, it's your job to make sure everyone is okay and happy.... but that all changed after you got brough...