After your little episode you went back to your room to quickly change to get ready for dinner. Black jeans and a navy jumper, nice and comfy. You slip on some shoes before looking in the mirror. You look slightly better but you know the team are still going to be concerned. Meh Fuck it, at least you look a bit better, that should mean you're recovering. Taking your hair out, you grab your hairbrush and brush it smooth. Wear it down, why not it actually looks good for once. You fix your hair in the mirror to catch sight of your knuckles... shit you completely forgot. You run it under cold water and it starts to fade with the assistance of your powers. Nice, all back to normal. You wish that you knew you could heal yourself sooner, that way your body wouldn't look so damaged. The scars scream abuse, you've covered them well whilst living at Spark's tower, you often wonder how no one has grown suspicion of you when always wearing long sleeves and never showing skin. But you can't heal scars, God knows you've tried.
You walk down to the dinning room to be greeted by the whole team, it was nice to see Nat again, you spend some time catching up with her before dinner. You want to hear all about the mission she did with Clint. Loki walks in with Thor by his side, it was obvious he didn't want to join for dinner but had no choice. guessing that was Thor's doing.
Everyone takes a seat at the dinning table, you sit next to Nat and continue to chat. Bucky sits himself next to you, probably because he wants to check on you properly without the bullshit you gave him before about being fine. Loki sits opposite you 'unintentionally'. Everyone begins to eat their food, enjoying the company of others.
Steve:'oh yeah, can someone explain to me why one of my favourite punching bags was split in half in the training room?'- he looks round the table to gage for suspects.
You begin to sweat, you don't want the team to know how strong you really are, just incase they start to fear you. Hopefully he doesn't check the footage, its just a silly punching bag, he wouldn't care that much right?...
Loki watches the look of horror on your face unfold, its obvious you do not want Steve to know it was you, he sighs...
Loki:'Apologies Captain Rogers, that would have been me'
You instantly look up to see Loki looking down at his food, chewing and acting natural. Why did he say that?
Loki continues: ' i did not consider that your earth equipment would not be able to withstand the strength of a God, i will promise to replace it as soon as i know how to' he glances at Steve with a small smile, to look sincere.
Steve: 'Oh, well mystery solved i guess, Its no problem..... Thor do you mind helping us provide some equipment that is up to 'god' standard. Afterall, this tower is for everyone.' Even though he has done some bad things its good of him to be honest with small things, its progress that made Steve feel better about him staying. Maybe he is changing.
Thor: 'of course Man of stars, i did not even consider that before. Thank you that is very kind of you to think of him'- Thor smiles with a mouth full of food and looks at his brother, proud he is settling in.
Y/n just glares at him, why was he lying? why did the others believe him so easily? Loki met her eyes and just glared back, insinuating for her to shut up and act normal.
You continue to eat your dinner, occasionally looking at him, but everytime you did, it appears he was already looking at you first. *i do not like this one bit*
Everyone finishes their food and starts to put the plates into the kitchen. As you go to grab your plate a hand grabs it before you. It was Bucky.
Bucky:'Y/n whats going on?' he puts the plates back onto the table and quickly pulls you away by your elbow. He led you outside to the balcony where no one could see you- Loki watches this intriguingly.

Loki x yn What are you doing to me Loki ?
FanficLoki x Ellie fiction You're an avenger!! Being the glue of the group means you have an impact on everyone. They all love you and your bubbly persona, it's your job to make sure everyone is okay and happy.... but that all changed after you got brough...