Chapter 5: Kitt

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The 'show' has finally begun - as if I could call it anything else but that and the Bowl is full to the brim with Ilya's people. Safe behind the glass of Mute the cheers echo around the space with every contestant showing off their powers. That's all this was, a power display to place the bets on the Purging Trial's strongest. This year however there isn't much competition, not when I watch my brother in the Pit below go through each and everyone's powers to use them to his liking. A Wielder is rare, and to have one in the king's possession with royal blood flowing through him is a weapon even in words let alone actions. I feel him reaching for my own powers before he pulls back as if either in humour or just to prove that he can before he moves on to Paedyn but with no result. It isn't often Kai enjoys finding a flaw and Paedyn's mundane power is just that to him. 

This should be fun.

The Silver Saviour is next and as she takes a seat beside Tealah I don't miss her fidgeting with her light blue dress, the silk of it creasing under her palms until she stops as soon as she realises it. One look behind her and she spots me. From the glass box from where my father and mother are residing it's clear when she examines all of us in turn, her gaze residing on me for a moment longer as if contemplating something. The piercing blue of Paedyn's eyes is crystal from all the way over here, and so wondering how her gaze would feel up close is the first thought that crosses my mind. Is it as deadly as it is hypnotising? Or is that her true power?

"Let's see what my son's saviour has in store." My father grumbles beside me, almost as if saying it to himself more than me or his wife.

And of course Paedyn's demonstration is impressive. The people already love her and it's evident she ensures to live up to her name; but with even my mother gasping at her Psychic predictions the only one who is not fazed in the least is the king. Glancing to my left, my father is only watching her intently with something I don't recognise swimming in his eyes. Something I have a feeling I am not willing to find out.

The end of the event is greeted by even more cheering and whistles, the world down below quite literally a sea of excitement swarming through the people. The thread of dread is not as obvious, but nonetheless still recognisable - everyone knows the main source of entertainment will be the deaths that will be missed the most. No other words are exchanged as my parents begin to head out with three Imperials by their side to be escorted back to their palace. 

That also means there's one left for me.

"Missed me that much, Lowes?"

Her eyes snap up from being plastered on the ground after my father passed her only a moment ago. That's when she realises who she was left with, and as it seems we're starting to build a pattern: I'm greeted with a roll of her eyes.

"You know I didn't ask for this."

"But what if you had? Wouldn't that just be-"

"Embarrassing for you? Yes it would. I'm sure you wouldn't want the girl who nearly slashed your throat only yesterday to have the opportunity to try again."

"Craving my blood that much? Or my failure?" I suck in a breath, "Because I'm willing to give you both in controlled amounts."

The faint hint of a smile graces her features and the fact that she fails to hide it from me almost makes me stumble in my steps as we start walking outside the arena and into the night towards the palace. She doesn't seem to expect me to keep taking the bait and that alone is more of a surprise than my comebacks I'm sure. But then again, part of me is just waiting to see how far she will go.

"I'm sure you can find your way to the palace from he-"

"Tell me something about yourself." I stop her before she can turn away, "One thing. And I'll let you leave without telling Kai you abandoned your post." 

My smirk makes her sigh, knowing very well I have no problem doing just that. Even if the Enforcer may have a softer spot for this particular guard under his command it doesn't mean he treats her any differently to the others when it comes to deviating from duty. 

"You're quite fond of deals aren't you prince?"

"It's the only way I can make sure people don't do what I say just because of a piece of metal on my head."

Lowes considers me for a minute before walking once again alongside me, "What do you want to know?"

I can tell the question is a forced comfort for her. A part of her is scared about what I may wish to find out. So I go for an easy one:

"Your name."

"You know my name."

"What's your first name, Lowes."

Her eyes meet mine. She contemplates it for a minute, then looks ahead of us as if considering the remaining distance to the palace. She will be stuck with me for a while longer if she doesn't give me an answer.


"Corrine." I repeat, trying out the sound, and finding the flow of it...thrilling, "It's a beautiful name."

The comment stuns her for a moment, "No one really thought so before."

"I'm sure they all thought it, but it's another thing to voice it."

"Are you looking for me to applaud you for your bravery now? You know it does start to add up that you're only looking to talk to me to feed your ego."

I scoff, "You must have confused me with my brother."

"Maybe you're more alike than you thought," We enter the main space of the palace gardens, aiming for a back entrance rather than the main one as she continues, "Since I haven't left yet, I want to change the deal."

I raise an eyebrow, "Oh?"

"Tell me something about yourself, prince."

I try my best to act as if I am thinking to hide the fact I know very well what I am about to say, "I prefer being called by my name."

"Kitt Azer, the crown prince of Ilya and future king?"

"You know, I think I prefer 'chuckles' more than Corrine - it has more of a kick to it. Next time you're in training I'll be sure to personally call for 'chuckles' in front of your whole group."

Corrine eyes me, "You're not missing the jokes either Kitt, so I wouldn't comment if I were you." She says before turning sharply on her heel and walking away into the line of trees.

My name on her lips sounded odd, not weird, but rather a satisfying feel I could definitely get used to. It feels as if something forbidden was crossed, just like when I was younger and I was scolded for finding the most unusual places to play in, but this time I fed into the want.

But if there is one thing I now know is that the 'want', will soon become the need.

And that thought alone is a more dangerous ground to cross than I care to realise.  

Heartless | A Powerless Fanfiction NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now