Chapter 19: Kitt

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Plagues she will have my head for this, and sure enough as my hand brushes Corrine's shoulder she spins to face me with her dagger already at my throat.

"You know, your blade is starting to grow on me," I say to her with a chuckle, and it's true that rather than the sharp bite of a weapon I focus more on the chill of the metal against my skin, the sensation sending a shiver through me just like the one her gaze on me can summon.

Corrine doesn't lower the blade, instead she only inclines her head to the side watching me intensely, "I thought you smarter than to sneak up on me, prince. How will you rule Ilya if you can so easily get yourself killed?"

"I'll have you to protect me?"

"You wish for me to never leave your side because you might trip and fall?"

I wish for you to never leave my side because I have already fallen.

The tip of my finger pushes her weapon down slowly, "The only place I may trip is on the dance floor, but I'm assuming that won't be a problem since you'll save a dance for me at the next ball?"

The hint of her smirk fades as she sheathes the blade back to her side, "Will your Paedyn allow such a thing?"

"I'm sure she won't have a problem if my brother will be there to sweep her away. They seem close enough, don't you think?"

The Silver Saviour's newly-found affection for Kai more than me is clear, I've witnessed every look, every single smile whether of hate or feeding into that growing spark between them. It would be wrong for me to say my interest has abandoned me fully though, even I can't bring myself to lie to my own thoughts when I can't ignore that intrigue Paedyn Gray brings me to.

It's...complicated. Even for me to make sense of it fully.

"So," I change the subject before more questions take the better of my decisions, "Now that we've agreed I'll get to witness your beautiful dancing first hand once again, may I steal you away for the evening?"

The sun sinking in the horizon doesn't look like it wishes to leave without greeting Corrine's face as a bemused expression takes hold of her: the half smile a twinkle in the orange hue, her eyes narrowing a green forest at dusk in the falling darkness.

Her voice is soft and for the first time hearing it take that tone with me I don't hold back my smile, "You think my dancing is beautiful?"

"I don't think that's even the right word to describe it. Maybe the right one hasn't even been created yet, because it looks like you just gave it a new meaning."

She muffles a light laugh, "Do they teach you to be such a charmer along with your princely duties?"

I barely register her response, too transfixed by what she just did: her laugh. It only proves me right that there are no words to describe not only her dancing...but her. I could enlist all the compliments that exist in this world and have swoon women off their feet for centuries and yet they would still not be worthy of the woman standing before me.

I finally land on a casual shrug so at odds with my usual responses but that's all I can come up with as I regain footing back in the real world, beginning to walk along the corridor with her following at my side, "I had to learn that all by myself unfortunately."

"Where are you taking me? I have to be back on duty soon."

"I've relieved you of patrol tonight, don't worry."

But she does worry, for what reason I can't think of but something troubles her.


"Should I have not done that?"

Heartless | A Powerless Fanfiction NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now