Chapter 6: Corrine

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Saying that every day looks the same would be a mistake that I know would be punished even if I dared to think it. Even if the intention might be for a strictly regimented scheme I'm forced to yield to, that doesn't explain why I'm finding myself back in the place I certainly hate the most. Out of all the riches this palace owns all together they would never be enough to calm the chill running up my spine as my footsteps echo around the dungeons once again. The sound itself twisting along a dissonance of raw voices coming from the cells I pass. I try not to look, to not hear their pleads. I try to tune it out only because they are all here because of a good reason.

I try to believe the lies I am told.

Finally reaching the cell I am aiming for I unlock it so that it opens only an inch. The abrasive creak of it succeeds in getting the attention of the person inside. The Enforcer is already heading my way and says nothing, forcing me to back away as he slams the cell door back onto its hinges. I was sent down here as a reminder for him after all, so that is my job completed. It looks like there were no answers this time either and I know it's not long before Kai will lose his patience. Him and his company of a man whom I knew was in the king's possession and a Silencer himself exit the space quickly, not giving me even one glance back as they dissapear. This specific pairing had been intentional for this case: Silencers have no weakness against Elites...but their own kind. And with days or even hours to count for this particular soul, I decide to do a stupid thing.

I speak.

"For what it's worth I'm impressed. I don't think many have lasted this long."

The place isn't well lit, but it's enough for me to make out his broken body on the floor. He lifts his head slowly, battling pain and effort with heavy breathing as he rises himself into a sitting position against the wall. Behind strands of long hair that was now matted with blood, deep brown eyes pin me searching for reason. The Mute lining the cells is why I dare to take a step closer, making sure to feel the comforting tingle of sparks against my fingers before I move any further, it's faint but still there nonetheless. When he realises I am making no move to torture him any further he opens his mouth to speak, but no words come out. The Silencer then tries again and this time his voice comes out strained and quiet, but I know this is the best he can muster before he knows he would collapse altogether.

"Many have no reason-" He sucks in another breath, "To last this long."

"What out there is greater than your life? Don't you wish to live?"

A stupid question. I curse myself: too obvious.

He chuckles, the action making him wince and a tear to stain his cheek joining the wetness of the blood already painting his face, "Do you really think if I were to speak he would let me go? "

No. I know an Azer prince would not let him go. I know his father would not allow it.

"And even if I were to see the light of day again," The Silencer continues, "What's one against thousands? You all wish for answers when they're right under your noses."

One life. Against thousands. Who is he talking about?

"Why are you here?"

He shakes his head with a smile now made haunting bathed in blood, "You're his little puppet, why would I tell you? Not everyone can be pulled to their liking by strings."

"You're right."

At that he seems to realise I have no intention of pushing any further, but I also don't make a move to leave. And the fact that even I don't know why is a terrifying thought. The Silencer doesn't seem to enjoy the silence ironically, because he speaks again, but this time it's not exactly what I want to hear.

"What's your name?"

It looks like there's no sense of anonymity left in Ilya. But even with my annoyance I remind myself I will most likely be the last name he learns and that detail alone makes bile rise in my throat.

Composing myself I answer, "Corrine Lowes."

His eyes widen, "Lowes?"

The reaction isn't what I expected.

"You have a brother."

My blood runs cold. He knew my brother?

"I had one."

"Had? I may be half dead right now puppet but I said present not past."


"My brother is gone."

The silencer laughs to himself, "And here I was thinking my fun had ended right before my death."

No. He's alive?

"You're lying."

"What use is there for me to lie?" He shakes his head, locking his eyes with mine, "Damien Lowes is alive," The man looks down at the chains keeping him in place and something like dread crosses his features, "But not for much longer."

For a moment I feel as if he's using his powers on me before I remember the Mute encircling us. The feeling of nausea is overwhelming, forcing me to get out of the cell and slam the door shut behind me.

"Deny it all you want Corrine, but the answers you seek are the same ones your dear Enforcer craves."

His voice echoes behind me as I run out of the dungeons. Away from the darkness that must have been playing tricks on me. That's all this is: a cruel trick.

But if it isn't...then the one that was truly fooled was me - two years ago. 

Heartless | A Powerless Fanfiction NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now