Chapter 7: Corrine

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2 years ago

The knock on the door has all of us turning our heads towards the entrance. I knew for a fact we were not expecting anyone any time soon, so the questioning glare from the housekeeper towards my mother doesn't come as a surprise. The front door opens and I listen to her voice questioning the visitors, but she doesn't have time to finish talking before I hear her exclaim and in the next second three royal Imperial guards are standing in our living room. They stand out like a sore thumb in the bloom of colour my mother has imbued into the space, her beautiful personality practically trampled just by their presence. A younger man clad in black steps ahead of them. No, not a man, but a boy who looks my age. You could easily mistake his years because of his attire or the weight of the swords strapped to his back, only no matter how hardened his grey eyes may be there is still a trace of truth many would fail to notice I'm sure.

I watch my father step forward, my mother pausing her embroidery and my brother go to stand behind him all in the span of a second, "How can we help you, your highness?"

Highness? And that's when it hits me. This was no boy nor man, but Kai Azer - the future Enforcer of Ilya himself. This was a royal, and a very dangerous one.

"I believe you know why I'm here."

My father glances at his wife in question but is met with a confused and rather fearful expression, "My apologies I'm not quite sure-"

"In accordance with our laws and by decree of King Edric, I banish you from the Kingdom of Ilya for your acts of treason."

My mother gasps, and her embroidery clatters to the floor. That intricate artwork now with its thread lost and never to be continued. A broken painting frozen in time. I don't move from my place on the armchair; my new ballet shoes that my father had just gifted me only moments ago still in my hands as I feel my skin turn cold.

"Mother?" I say to her, but with no response when even she seems at a loss for words.

My father's fury takes the better of him, but still somewhat subdued, "What is the meaning of this? My family has never gone against the Crown and for you to even insinuate that-"

"I will save you the trouble of wasting my time Mr. Lowes with the mention that I have evidence you have been in close contact with Ordinaries recently. Don't try to deny it any further. Lying is just another word for further treason and your sentence can be severely adjusted." Kai's voice was piercing, his tone cold with no boredom nor enjoyment of what he was doing right now, only purpose.

My father looks like he is about to say something else when he stops abruptly. With his face pale he turns to my brother whose expression had not changed since our new visitors entered: that of pure hatred and disgust.

"Damien, tell me you didn't." His voice falters.

Damien says nothing. For once, my brother has no words. For all the times he had run his mouth and gotten me into trouble, for all the times he defended me, cared for me and protected me now he was silent. Tears start pooling in my eyes, making the whole scene go blurry but I don't miss my father's shake of his head and glance towards my mother - his face was a tangle of concern, worry and anger. It was clear: there was nothing he could do. An honest man who had always taken pride in his work and family was now stripped powerless.

"Now I do hope you will choose to go calmly, I'd hate to cause a commotion so late into the evening." the Enforcer says with a warning glare to the two Imperials who let their smirks slip.

Only I knew very well that was the wrong thing to say. Not when Damien was already reaching for the dagger strapped beneath his jacket.

"I'm sorry father." I hear him whisper before he lunges at the Imperials with the blade ready.

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