Chapter 14: Corrine

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Avoiding the prince for the past few days has proven an impossible task. Apparently staying away from the one person you're meant to protect with your life isn't really a situation you can find a way out of. No words have been exchanged, nor has he prodded further as to what exactly happened that night after the bombing. The only thing now is that I'm not quite so sure if that's a good thing or not. The chances of him having brought it up already with his father are low since I'm not in a cell and still parading the halls of the palace.

What do I owe him for this? What will he make me swear because of a promise he never made? My loyalty to his family has been forced on me, my blood already spilled for him, my heart...

I nearly trip on air when someone shouts my name from the other end of the hall, "Lowes!"


With the Enforcer gone, the unfortunate pick of his second in command was ironically made by his father. The prince doesn't even wield enough power in his own regiment to control the names placed on pedestals in his absence. Heavy steps approach me until the man is right before me - anger is practically tattooed on his face, Plagues I've never seen the man with even the hint of a smile and the day I do it will haunt me till my last breath. Some people are never meant to hold a smile and just like the excuse of a man now pinning me with a stare it's more than clear he is the perfect example. It's possible to downgrade the namesake of joy.

"I have a task for you, love. And I expect it to be completed by midnight"

The nickname is enough to send bile to my throat, but I take a deep breath in and respond, "Yes, sir." My eyes on the ground and not meeting the steel of his.

Obey, a voice says in my head and I know to listen when it's my own. Self-control is yet another skill to perfect in my position (it may as well be one of the hardest to achieve).

"The Enforcer isn't here to stick you to the do-gooder missions, it's time you learn what you were hired for." The white leather mask on his face is made to hide that half of him no-one wishes to see, at least protect the world from a part of this man, "He's been soft on you. Treating you like a dove so fragile as to break its wings."

I have been hired to least that's what Kai's reasoning had been that day.

'A life debt owed to the crown, paid one way or another.'

But never was it mentioned for how long.

"Let's see how far you can fly before you fall, little dove. The ground awaits you."

"The prince left you in charge to carry out his orders. Is this task of yours something issued by him?" My voice has only an edge of warning, that's all I dare for now.

Commander Lain's eyes narrow on me, the crease in his forehead becoming even more prominent with his rage stifled, "I don't listen to princelings. The king issued this one unfortunately for you." He chuckles and without a smile accompanying it the action is just as haunting as I'd imagined, "You're to take Kai's place tonight and finish his job."

Ordinaries. I have to kill Ordinaries.

"Very well then."

"Good. You will leave with Matthew tonight." I watch his eyes trail me once before turning to leave, muttering under his breath, "I don't trust you alone on this one."

He was there the night of the bombing, the scepticism to the task is not something I'm used to since I remember clearly his sword colliding next to my power when one of the Ordinaries fell before my blow. Lain knows I have killed, he knows I did not hesitate.

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