Chapter 3: Corrine

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The Enforcer's knight in shining armour is now entered in the Purging trials: Paedyn Grey. It looks like the universe didn't want him to go without the proper opportunity for him to thank her for saving his ass. A much deserved distraction for the prince, or should I say princes. The silver haired saviour arrived only a few days ago at the palace and is already graced with a royal's visit. The contestants are supposed to stay isolated for the first few days, the reason unknown not that anyone would question the king, but someone made the exception to that rule - frankly the only one who dared to bend them.

I watch Kitt in her doorway from a corner of the hallway. His smile says it all that he is rather intrigued by his brother's distraction, in what exact way though I can't tell just yet. I didn't mean to remain here for their conversation but whilst making my rounds his voice was hard to ignore echoing down the hallway. It was as if the walls of the palace wanted to carry his voice as far as possible, only respecting their owner. And so I remained hidden standing close to one of the long velvet curtains pooling to the polished floors. I take my stance once again with my eyes pinned on the wall opposite me, at least trying to make it less obvious that I am listening but in that exact moment I hear her door closing. I make to move away back into the maze of corridors I'm supposed to patrol when a hand catches my wrist stopping me in my tracks.

"Eavesdropping by any chance?" Kitt's voice comes from behind me.

I pull on my hand so he lets go before twisting to face him. Now closer than the last time we encountered paths his height is hard to ignore, forcing me to tilt my head to lock my gaze with his. Even if his eyes are green like mine they are nowhere near the same shade; somehow his are richer, bolder, daring you to get lost in them. A cruel trap you can succumb too easily to, one thought to be mundane but expressing every bit of the Elite he is.

"I'm on duty, your highness."

A smirk twists on his lips, "Highness? Have you decided to be fond of formalities all of a sudden?"

"It's only right."

"You're right, it would be were it not for lying to your prince as well. So drop the formalities as well as the white lies." He leans in closer, "Two birds with one stone."

"Fond of efficiency?"

"Or making you admit you were listening."

I huff a laugh, shaking my head and turning just an inch to make sure there is no one to our left or right to see me off duty conversing with none other than my superior. The man standing before me holds more power than I ever dream of having, my life practically hanging by a thread that he or any other member of his family has the ability to cut as easily as thread. I mean nothing to them. A worth deducted not from skill, but how well I obey them.

"I'm assuming you were welcoming the Enforcer's saviour."

"Observant as well, would you look at that?" He sucks in a breath whilst continuing, "I had to personally thank her for helping my little brother. Who knows, he might need her to save him a couple more times over the next few weeks. Getting on her good side is the least I can do."

It never goes by unnoticed how Kitt takes every chance he gets to refer to the Enforcer as his 'little brother'. Almost as if he is trying to reassure himself that it is actually true. Age differences may be obvious, but they couldn't be more different. It is a number against the true sacrifices both brothers were forced to make.

"She's a mundane, do you really believe she'll even survive the first trial?"

Kitt shrugs, such an ordinary action somehow made graceful, "Maybe. Or maybe Kai will be left without his silver shield." He begins walking in the same direction I was supposed to head in, leaving me no choice but to follow, "Now tell me, how come you stopped to listen?"

"I told you I was on duty."

"Your rounds on this floor should have already ended half an hour ago."

He knew my rounds?

"Slight delay."

There's that smirk again. I don't think I could get used to seeing it directed towards me. Something about the action seemed unnatural, as if I am not worthy of it.

"Lowes are you using me as an excuse for a distraction?"

"Would I even dare to? No prince, I'm not. Because the excuse's ego is too big for my liking." I shut my eyes for a second in annoyance, thinking before speaking is clearly not my forte nor will it ever be.

Kitt feigns hurt, a hand over his heart and those emerald eyes now pinned on me, "You wound me."

"Better with words than a blade."

"Is that a challenge or a promise?"

"Take it as you wish. I may have sworn to protect royal blood, but no promise was made to not spill it myself."

"A loophole against the crown? I'm impressed." There was no sarcasm in his tone, "Although I have to say, you might wish to keep your lethal plans on the-"

I don't miss his shoulder tense at the sound of footsteps heading our way. I take a few steps back and move further to his side. No other words are exchanged between us other than a polite nod I've seen him offer guards and servants thousands of times before. And the reason being that the king and queen themselves were now behind us. They don't say anything or even bother to look in my direction as they enter the throne room which we stood before. Inside, the contestants are already seated at the long table ready for their first meal and meeting with their royals. As Kitt follows his parents inside I remain stationed by the door, not daring to go any further since I have a good view of what is going on but am still perceived on duty.

The dynamic between the guests is a perfect blend for this year's event and a well thought source of entertainment for Ilya. The three contestants from the slums are doing their best to fit in by the looks of it, but their shock to the masses of food laying in front of them doesn't go by unnoticed. A feeling I remember too vividly. There are nine of them, including Paedyn and Kai - who by the looks of it has ensured to freshen up and dawn a new mask upon himself before arriving. One that is perceived more like the 19 year old that he is and less of the ruthless Enforcer I had only just witnessed doing his job in the cells that stand right underneath our feet. I know very well it isn't often he chooses to wear it, or is allowed to, but it was clear he preferred this one the most.

"Welcome to the sixth ever Purging Trails," The king booms down the table, grabbing everyone's attention as silence sets over the room.

And with the meal carrying on as planned there's nothing for me to do but stand by the game of death and riches unravelling before me.

Let the sacrifices begin.

Let the 'honour' revel in its lie. 

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