Chapter 4: Kitt

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Admitting to why I chose to train along with the other contestants would be deemed a weakness so I try to ignore the questioning glares around me as I throw yet another hit aiming for my brother's smirk. With no weapons or powers the feeling is thrilling, funny how something you would think to belittle you can turn out to be exactly the challenge you crave. Controlling your own restraint to not allow the advantage to surface against your opponent is a skill not many have the patience to build. I can practically feel the flames tingling my knuckles as I block a punch from Kai and in the same second sweep my leg underneath to knock him off his feet but he dodges it just in time. I envied my brother sometimes, the skill he built with the experience I will never have the time to develop.

"Close, but not close enough." Kai shakes his head with a chuckle.

My voice is just as out of breath as his, "If you get back down I'll try again? Maybe position your face just before my foot, you know, for demonstration."

"I won't let you ruin my charm just yet Kitty."

The nickname nearly makes me throw another punch his way, but this time bathed in fire, "Why, do you need it for someone?"

Kai doesn't answer my question and when I follow his line of sight it's clear who exactly it's pinned on. Paedyn Grey is currently pounding a padded tree with her fists, and by the indents she's leaving it would be foolish of me to think the girl doesn't have at least some experience. Either that or my brother has already angered her so much that she's taking it out on the poor tree.

"Make her apologise to the tree as well," I say with a laugh after Kai who's already heading in her direction, and I duck just in time to dodge a fireball aimed at my face.

It doesn't take me long to realise I am not the only one watching his interaction with his silver saviour. It isn't uncommon for Imperial guards to stand on duty around the training grounds, especially since the beginning of the trials the palace itself has been more on guard than before. Or at least that's the excuse my father prefers to give. The truth of the rebellion is only to be spoken behind closed doors and far away from the prying ears of our people. I would ignore the presence of the white uniformed guard if it were not for her eyes locking with mine as soon as I turn around to face her. It seems they weren't the only thing she was watching.

Closing the distance between us a smirk almost slips on my lips as I watch her back away in the slightest. A movement not meant to be detected, but very much intended. She didn't mean for me to spot her.

How unfortunate.

"Can I help you, your highness?"

Her voice is light, a melody if I ever heard one and might as well be confused with the whistle of the breeze on a spring morning: a calming and alluring tone. Until a few days ago I had never spoken to her, but I have heard of her. I didn't lie when I told Lowes Kai had mentioned her more than a couple of times therefore deeming her as one of the only Imperials under his command that he has a sliver of respect for. But how she gained that exactly to begin with is a story I would very much enjoy to hear. My brother's preferences in his duty are strict, stern just like our father has built him. She must be...special to gain the Enforcer's trust. Little does she know that if she has managed to sway the trust of my brother, mine is immediately gained by her as well.

Kai's judgement is calculated, restricted and valued. The day I question his decision might as well be the beginning of my downfall.

"I seem to remember a promise you made me. One that went along the lines of...bloodshed?"

At that her cheeks redden just enough for colour to bloom. Emotion is a good look on her and quite the contrast to the other stone-faced Imperials under my brother's command but I don't voice my thoughts, only enjoy the moment as I watch those emerald eyes narrow at the challenge - one behind the white mask, the other in clear sight for me to see the spark light.

"Are you calling my bluff?"

"Yes," I tilt my head to one side, crossing my arms and not missing the shift of her gaze to my chest for the split of a second.

Suddenly I'm very aware I'm not wearing a shirt and that almost makes me smile. The heat of the weather not even comparing to that of her gaze now trailing me.

"I'll tell you what," I head over to the weapons rack and pick up a freshly-sharpened sword to then head back towards her, "We draw in a match, and I will admit to your statement."

"Is that a princely way to say you would beg for me to spare you."

"No. Firstly as a royal I don't beg. And secondly everything I say is princely."

Lowes rolls her eyes, "And what if you lose in this match? Do you truly think I will go easy on you because of your crown, is that why we have to draw?" She takes a step to the side so that she can look behind me at the other people training around us, "Or, are you afraid of your audience?"

Without satisfying her by glancing behind me I switch the hand holding the weapon by throwing it to my left instead, "I'll play fair."

Lowes eyes the change I just made - she's more than aware I'm right handed and that only seems to spur her on. Kai himself has forced me to train to not depend on the trust of your dominant hand, that little detail may as well be the thing that saves you in a duel.

"Very well, your highness." She makes to step around but stops right beside me to extend a hand towards the free space of the training ground, "Royalty first."

I don't refuse the invitation nor do I break eye contact with her as I move backwards flexing the wrist holding the blade to warm up my arm. As soon as I'm in position she doesn't hesitate, I almost don't register the moment she pulls her own blade from her side before I feel it clash with mine. The reverberation of the hit is not the only thing I feel, but a tingle flows down the hilt of her blade almost visible to the naked eye as purple streaks dancing along the metal.

Plagues. She's a Volt.

"You didn't make a promise to play fair now did you." I grunt underneath the weight, breaking the contact just so she doesn't have the opportunity to shock me directly - at least it might hurt less.

"Observant as well, would you look at that?" She repeats the exact words I said to her a few days ago when I caught her in the palace corridor.

Fine. If that's how she wishes to play.

I advance forward, a combination of sword movements that had been rooted in me since I was a boy and ending with a fast turn of the blade from behind to try and throw her off. But with that particular movement being something Kai has taught me I seem to forget an important detail: the girl is under his command. Her skill was born from the Enforcer's rage, and he trained her well.

Lowes blocks each and every one of them without fail or falter and I take all her hits with my own sword. Suddenly I wish I were wearing some kind of armour, but nonetheless I don't hesitate. Three more moves and she has me backed close to the wall of the palace behind us. Plagues. And so it doesn't even take another moment before I feel the cold hilt of her blade resting against my throat. The fighting around us falters, many stopping to watch us but not daring to intervene. Afterall it wasn't usual to use Imperials for practice, but little did they know that this particular one might actually make me bleed.

"Don't make me look like a fool, Lowes, and I'll owe you a promise." I say to her in a low voice, careful to not move against the sharp edge. 

That same spark in her eyes lights, but this time with something different, feeling more lethal than the weapon inches from my skin.

"What if I make you promise to act like a fool?"

It looks like I'm not the only one playing this game.

"Only with you?"

She inches her mask closer to me, "Only for me." 

There is no need. Because in that moment I feel myself becoming a fool for her.

"Lowes!" Kai's voice forces her to step away, "As much as I enjoy seeing Kitt being bested by you I would prefer to still have him whole."

With her eyes still on me she knows very well she proved me wrong.

She won. And I feel like I've just lost myself in her. 

Heartless | A Powerless Fanfiction NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now