Chapter 22: Corrine

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The musicians tucked under the drooping willow of the royal gardens are what urge me to draw closer to the dozens of people twirling in time with the music. Goblets of champagne are being passed around like whispers sparkling in their bubbles around me, I'm surprised no one has spilled anything yet. Scanning the crowd my eyes immediately land on Paedyn Gray because the Silver Savior is ironically no longer silver, her red dress is a rich crimson colour pooling perfectly around her once again highlighting herself as quite the catch in the midst of emerald. And as I expected Kai Azer is now heading straight for her. It seems even drunk the Enforcer is drawn to red, as if his senses are far from affected at all - this time it's not the blood shed he is after and instead the girl. I refrain from getting anywhere near the centre of the arranged dance floor, not wanting to be swept up by anyone just yet.

Am I really waiting for him?

Convincing myself against it is practically helpless now when all I'm doing is looking for those blonde waves glinting in the moonlight rising above us - making a most beautiful chandelier far grander than the one in the ballroom. The fountain I know too well stands close, its rhythm of water calling me to stand closer and my eyes fall closed for only a moment, leaning my head back and truly listening to the world surrounding me. The voices are now muffled against the melody playing, the movement of water so graceful it  flows in tune with the song and the breeze accompanies in harmony by urging the leaves of the trees standing close to dance softly. Nature has two choices: against, or with human kind. They can both live in unison, or be fated enemies until only one is left standing, but in this moment they choose balance.

"You look beautiful." There is only one voice strong enough to break through the barrier I had built, the perfect world not shattering but rather thriving with the softness of his voice, "Corrine, I have no words."

I open my eyes slowly, letting them linger on the future king of Ilya in his perfect suit, just like his are doing to me right now.

"I believe you do have words, one of them was...beautiful?"

His scoff is light, shaking his head as if in disbelief and not once looking away from me, "Exquisite, stunning, magnificent-"

"Charming," I say in return, "That particular one is yours."

"Did you just give me a compliment indirectly, Lowes?"

"I'm exquisite like that, your highness."

"That you are," He sounds almost breathless, and as if reminding himself he offers me the second glass of champagne he was holding this whole time, "I can't decide which is my favourite: your dress, your hair, or your eyes." Kitt takes another step closer, and unintentionally I back away, losing my balance and nearly falling into the fountain behind me if he were not to catch me by the waist, his hold on me firm and steady, "On second thought maybe all of you."

We just stay there as if suspended in the air for a moment, it's his move to pull us back in but he doesn't. Instead, he leans in slowly until our lips are inches from each other and in the last moment his diverts them close to my ear instead whispering softly:

"You never cease to amaze me, Corrine."

As he returns us standing I'm slowly realising I have to take a breath before I collapse before the prince. He didn't only steal the air from my lungs, but he also took over the beat of my heart practically turning it into an erratic rhythm I can no longer control.

"You live up to your name, charming."

At his smile I know very well my cheeks are now rosy. The effect this man has on me is maddening, as if he has been pulling at that thread of emotion I've kept so well guarded until it all just gave in and fell before him.

Until I fell for him.

I glance to the side to make sure no one is staring, but it looks like we are living separate lives to the mass of the crowd dancing away. We are well hidden behind the fountain and near the dense line of trees and thank the Plagues for that, I would rather have the butterflies rolling in my stomach than my head rolling on the ground.

This moment was only for us. Only about us for once.

My attention slips for a moment to the water next to us and for a moment I get distracted by a detail: nothing glints in the water anymore.

"Where have the coins gone?"

There have always been so many below the surface, everyone at the palace adding one or two every week making a wish to lighten their days. It has almost been a standing symbol of hope for what is to come, and now there is not even a silver in sight, the depths of it are crystal clear.

"I had them removed. They will soon be distributed to the people of Ilya."

"Oh, that is...very kind of you." I search his gaze, "But why the coins and not the crown's money?"

Instead of answering straight away Kitt turns back to the crowd, "They've been wasting away on people's wishes."


I follow his look, and when I realise who exactly it's watching I realise these aren't his words.

"Paedyn asked you to, didn't she?"

"I think it a fair request, so I granted it."

"Right, how noble of you." My words sound more bitter than I intend.

He looks with a puzzled expression at me, trying to pinpoint the change but I don't let him. I can't let him know of it because if I reveal the side of me that is capable of accidentally swiping my dagger at that red fabric now twirling with the music in his brother's arms it means I am giving in to the weakness that is him.

The prince takes me by surprise when he doesn't probe any further and instead offers his hand to me, "I think you promised me a dance this time, Lowes. Even if I enjoyed the last time I stole you away, I have a feeling this time will make the wait worth it. Prove me right."His smirk is practically intoxicating. 

The moment our hands meet that heat returns to me, and Paedyn is forgotten. As we take to the dance floor she only remains a blur of silver in the background when my focus is on the man before me leading us through the steps. Fulfilling a promise has never felt so...freeing. I'm not bound by life or death, but by our rhythm. Step after step we land on a harmony of movements and once again I get lost in the melody, but this time he's right there with me as if my mind can't decide which is stronger: the feeling of him around me or the calling of the notes played so beautifully. I've never experienced something of equal measure to my love for music, and yet this moment is changing that detail for me, shaping it into something I never would have expected.

The only thing that can break me away from it is the man I see standing at the entrance to the palace, watching me intensely with every step I fall into with the prince of Ilya. Damien doesn't acknowledge the fact I've spotted him, only turning to walk back into the palace.

"Kitt, I'm sorry I have to go." I say to him and hurry into the palace before waiting for his response.

I look for my brother and see no sign of him. Plagues where did he go?

"So, the crown of Ilya." His bitter laugh forces me to twist in place to face the curtain he had been standing in the shadow of, "You've found yourself quite the prize now haven't you, little sister?" 

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