Chapter 10: Corrine

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Black and white against emerald is what the scene before me can only be described as. The first ball of the Purging Trials is a banquet and the contestants have mixed themselves in perfectly with the blend of nobility and invitations from across the kingdom. I'm used to attending events such as these, but it looks like this one has been made different for me. My reflection greets me in one of the floor-to-ceiling windows against the darkness of the night outside, and the girl staring at me looks nothing like one I know - even more painfully it reminds me of that simpler time when the dress on me wasn't something foreign against my skin but rather a usual wear. With so few women in the guard we have been planted as nothing less than spies in the crowds dancing around us, though I would argue the white fabric embracing me isn't really the best camouflage they could have gone for.

I stand out like a walking warning and yet no one seems to be watching me as I slide between guests, checking the weight of my blades concealed in the dress every now and then for comfort. If I wish to be truly seen I know all I have to do is step on the dance floor, but as long as I remain within the flow of conversations and glasses of wine surrounding me no one will bother me.

It doesn't take me long to spot the Silver Saviour - the only person in this room who seems to wish to stand out - and as I examine her silver dress hugging her as a perfect fit it only proves as yet another reason why this girl will not be easy to get rid off as the games begin. After her performance of her psychic powers Paedyn looks like she wants to remain the centre of attention, and that will end up either being the only thing keeping her alive through the games, or the first thing calling for her death. Playing with a fifty-fifty chance doesn't seem to bother her, not when she now holds the prince's arm and is practically parading with him around the room.

I will my eyes to leave Kitt and Paedyn so they can land on Kai who is sitting at a nearby table. I decide to approach him cautiously making sure his sour date is nowhere near considering that particular contestant is not exactly the joy of the event.

"Drinking your sorrows away, Enforcer?" I say standing behind his chair.

He doesn't turn as he answers, "I would suggest keeping the comments to yourself for the night, Lowes. I'm not in the mood."

As he makes to take another sip of what must be his fifth glass that I've yet to count, I take it from his hand before it greets his lips.

"Lowes." Kai says in a warning tone, finally twisting in his chair to look for his drink but pausing for a moment to look at my attire from its chiffon layering to the thin sleeves falling softly on my shoulders. "A different look was long due, but I said any colour, you didn't have to wear white for the night."

Of course he did, "Well it shouldn't come as a surprise knowing how much your second in command likes me."

"Right, sorry about that then." He clears his throat, "You look great."

It isn't often the prince offers compliments, so I take it with no other comment, "Thank you." Kai reaches for his wine glass in my hand but I move it away, "We need you somewhat sober tonight unfortunately, so try to pine over your silver saviour some other way for now."

He doesn't even dare correct me, nor counter it with a look. The Enforcer only leans back in his chair before shaking his head and rising to stand before me, "Careful with your words, two can play at this game." I don't miss his glance back to the pair, but this time indicated to the left where his brother is now heading away towards the drinks table. "Now if you'll excuse me I think it's my turn to play the cards right. Will you join me?"

The Enforcer - my commander - offers his hand to me and with some hesitation I take it, leaving his glass forgotten behind as we move to the dance floor. The waltz is slow but a welcoming distraction, the steps of it a memory forgotten in time now all rushing back to me with every note that plays by the orchestra. With my feet lost to the rhythm on the polished marble it's almost enough to miss the sly smile of the Enforcer as he twirls me away to exchange partners, and only when I crash into another solid chest and a familiar scent envelops me do I realise he passed me to his brother.

"So you did miss me." Kitt says with a smile, searching my widened eyes as I glance back to my betrayal who was now dancing with none other than Paedyn herself, the pair already lost in conversation that looked like a clash of smirks and eye rolls from both sides as they glided through the space.

'Play the cards right.' - I guess he offered me my first move in my own game whilst I helped him in his. Enemies made partners in a game such as this is going to be an interesting shift of morality between me and the Enforcer.

I don't ignore Kitt's introduction, instead as we step in time to the music I say, "Do you wish me to be in a constant state of longing with you? Is that what the prince expects?"

"Oh I don't expect it, not when you're so willing to do it without me asking." His charm looks as if it has been highlighted by his fitted suit, glowing like each strand of his golden hair in the twinkle of the chandelier above us.

"I'm afraid you couldn't be more wrong, I don't pine over anyone."

The dance steps aren't in my favour, because in the next moment his face is inches from mine and the green of his eyes carves into my attention as I watch them slowly move from my my lips, "Not even me?" Kitt whispers.

Thank the plagues of the melody cue we have to follow so that it's enough time for him to compose himself and once again be at an arm's distance from me, "Especially not you." I answer, knowing words now came easier than if I had tried earlier.

It's easier to lie when you don't have to worry about your victim seeing right through you. The place where our hands are intertwined has remained a constant probe of my attention, even the heat of his skin against mine not a detail to be missed. We move so in sync I can almost sense the people around me slowing to watch us, so much for not attracting attention I'm only proven right of what I thought of the dance floor. Only I'm not worried about everyone else, but more so about him watching me so intently right now. Almost...mesmerised by the sight of me before him moving with the notes.

"Corrine," His voice takes the same tone as the look in his eyes, "You're a dancer aren't you?"

I falter in a step when I process his question over the music. This is not the time for that conversation, and the orchestra sounds like they agree with me when they play the note to change partners once again. I don't look back at him as I allow myself to move to a new stranger. Not being in the mood for dancing anymore,  I make to walk away but the man pulls me right back and before I can say anything I feel his hand on the pendant around my neck, his fingers gliding over the carved design.

"What a pretty stolen necklace."

That voice.

With my heart frozen in its beat my eyes snap up to greet an exact mirror of mine, and my brother is staring right back at me. 

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