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Jeon Jungkook Pov :

The Alarm was ringing constantly indicating me to wake up.  I turned it of and groaned when I heard my phone again started to rang and it was my mothers call.  Arghh. I attended the call and heard my mom

Mom : Jeon Jungkook you better be here in 30 minutes or you are dead meat by your father. 

My mom shouted from the other side

Jungkook: ok

I cut the call and saw the time to find it was 11:55 am . Shit fuck I have to go for lunch to my parents house. 

I quickly took a shower and changed into my casual outfit . I went downstairs and after grabbing my keys I directly went outside and drove to my parents house. I reached their in 30 mi used during to high traffic as it was Sunday.

I parked my car amd found two cars parked already " are they expecting guest" I thought and went inside to greeted by my mom .

Mrs.Jeon : oh thank God you are here . You are 1 hour late jungkook .

Jungkook: sorry mom I overslept.  You know how much hard work your son does .

I spoke childly on which my mother smacked my head playfully. 

Mom : ok ok Mr come we are having a news for you .

She spoke and took me to the lounge . But wait I didn't feel right . I went inside amd saw Mr.Kang and his family . Oh God I hate their kids so much . Why are they here . Ewww

I greeted them and sat beside my father . My foolish brother was busy taking with Mr.kangs son Jun . I just rolled my eyes internally and then I aaw that butch well yes I can say her bitch , their daughter Lia.  So eww I just feel like throwing up whenever I see her.  Plastic faced girl . Ewww .

I was in my thoughts when my father spoke .

Mr.Jeon : so jungkook we have a news for you .

I came out of my trance and looked at him .

Mr.Jeon : well we have planned for your marriage with Mr.Kangs daughter Lia .

And boom what the fuck my eyes widened

Jungkook : What

I spoke a little loudly on which my mom patted my back and made me sit back .

Mr.Jeon : I know this is sudden news for you but it's good to bind our friendship like this. Mrkang is my childhood friend and my most trusted business partner so I will be very happy if their daughter becomes our daughter in law .

He spoke and i was looking at my father with a weird face . I turned my head to see Lia blushing like a tomato and smiling while starling glances at me.  Ewwww .

What the actual fuck . With her that bitchy playgirl plastic face . Ewww never in my thousands of life I can do that.  I wanna vomit mommy .

Jungkook: but dad it's so sudden.  You should give me time

Mr.Kang : wel.dear jungkook you cam take time my offer is their for you . My daughter likes you alot .

I internally gagged thinking about her as my wife . Ewww . Fuck no way . What to do what to do . Yes I got it .

Mr.jeon : sure Kang I am very happ-

Jungkook : umm well I respect that your daughter likes me and I respect your opinions but I don't want to break lias heart but i have a girlfriend


my younger brother shouted and everyone was staring at me wide eyed I chuckled nervously . Oh no jungkook you are in big problem .how will I bring a girlfriend now

Jungkook: well yes I have a girlfriend.  And we are dating from a year now . We met online .

Mr.Jeon : what you are in a online relationship

I nodded .

Mr.Kang : oh jungkook my boy it's okay . No need to pressure yourself if you are up for it . Do tell us .

He spoke as his family stood up amd left from their . I can saw how hurt Lia was looking. Well I don't care . She is so ewww .

They left and I was faced with my parents and my brothers killing looks .

Mrs.Jeon : when did have a girlfriend. 

I laughed awkwardly

Jungkook : well I got one a year ago as I told you .

In-su : liar liar pants on fire . Mom he is lying to get away from this marriage

Jungkook: shut the fuck up you egg .

Mr.jeon : language Jungkook

Jungkook: sorry dad .

Mr.Jeon : well you should break up with that non existent girlfriend of your beacuse you are going to marry Lia at all cost.

He spoke and left as I pouted sadly . What the hell happened with me .

Mrs.jeon :  you have to kookie .

My mom smiled at me making my heart melt . How can I say ko to my sweet parents . But wait , never to that plastic face bitch . Ewwww .

My mom left and my brother started to annoy me .

In-su : hey Mr.jungkook won't you introduce hour brother to your non existent girlfriend.

He laughed as I punched him and ran outside . I was able to hear his laugh but I quickly sat in my car and drive to my apartment.  After packing my things I quickly left for airport beacuse I have a flight tonight to California.  As I have to attend my best friends wedding. 

Amd yes wait one person can help me in this fuvked up situation. 

It's halmeoni . I am coming halemoni yayyyy .

I texted her about my arrival . And went to the airport to fly off .


To be continued

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