12- Siblings

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Taehyung turned as he held eves hand and then spoke to suga , hoseok and Lance

Taehyung: she is my soon to be wife Evelyn .

Eve : hello oppas .

She greeted them as they introduced the girls as her friends but suga eyes stopped at only Mia and his eyes widened. 

Mia eyes welled up and she ran in his embrace hugging him tightly . Eve and taehyung friends stared at the two of them weirdly and shocked

Suha was shocked but came in his senses when he heard her mumble again his chest.

Mia : I missed you oppa . I am glad you are okay . I was afraid that I will lose you and na-ri

Suga hugged her back as he kissed her head and they broke the hug.

Suga : well don't worry angel look I am all fine and thank you so much for saving my daughter.

He whispered to her as she nodded. She hugged hoseok and then turned to Lance who was having a big grin

Lance : oh my god Baby girl you are looking so hot

He squealed like a teenager and kissed her cheek as suga and hoseok rolled their eyes at him and everyone was in shock and their jungkook clenched his fists and teeth .

Mia glared at him for calling her baby girl and he just shrugged cheekily

Taehyung: come guys let's have a seat.

They all started as everyone engaged themselves in a conversation. 

Ju-kyung : so Mia what you study .

Mia : I am studying BS In AI .

They all nodded

Mi-ra : well you live here alone .

Mia stiffned but remaind calm

Mia : yeah I live alone

Soohee : but you look Korean

Mia : my parents live in Korea and I am here for studies

She lied eve who know the truth she diverted the topic quickly not wanting Mia to feel awkward.

Eve : come on guys let's dance

She spoke and stood up excitedly but suddenly the door opened revealing two figures. A 25 year old guy and 23 year old girl .

Taehyung and eve went to them happily

??? : hey taehyung I am sorry we got late . We arrived an hour ago

Mia stiffened in her place . She gulped and turned around to see her real siblings standing their . Lance , suga and hoseok all sensed her condition.

Lance quickly came to her and side hugged her

Lance : BG it's okay . Dont panic . They don't know you

He whispered in her ear hugging her body tightly. 

Jungkook ( in mind ) : eww this plastic girl and her brother are also invited.  Oh god I will die breathing with them

He cringed at them when he saw them walking towards everyone . His eyes met with Lia who gave him a biggest smile blushing and he internally gagged .

In-su : aww soon to be sister in law is blushing seeing you

Jungkook brother whispered in his ear as he punched him in his stomach amd he whined .

Taehyung: hey guys this is Kang Jun and his sister Kang Lia . They are also our friends

Everyone greeted them as they turned to Mia amd smiled at her but they both stared at her deeply

Lia : I think I have seen you somewhere

Lia spoke immediately Mia felt like fainting anytime. 

Lance hold her more tighter because he felt her falling hoseok stood beside her .

Hoseok : oh well she is famous . She comes on YouTube she is very good at singing and dancing

Hoseok spoke to ease and everyone looked at Mia them .

Eve : WHAT , you never told me Mia

Mia smiled at her nervously jungkook frowned sensing her strange behavior and seeing Lance holding her protectively and hoseok also standing beside her .

Eve : well She is my best friends Kang Mia .

Mia cursed her internally for taking her full name

Everyone looked at them surprised even Jun and Lia

Jun : oh we have same surname

Suga : well you are not only the Kang in world there are many

He spoke to divert everyone form Mia. Jun and Lia passed him a nervous smile because he was looking scary

Taehyung: well ok ok enough let's have some fun guys .

Eve : yes its our Bachelorette party let's dance.

Taehyung: yes jimin and hoseok hyung should go first they are amazing dancers .

Hoseok : oh what know it's nothing like that

Jungkook: come on hyung its been a long time since we last see you dancing. You and jimin hyung always use to rock in the past .

Jimin : yes come on let's gave them a show hyung

Both of them danced amazingly ans soon everyone joined them except Mia , Lance and Suga .

Mia went to the corner where there was a bar as suga and Lance joined her .

Jungkook noticed her but he was pulled by jimin for a dance but his eyes after small intervals were stealing glances at her . Something was not right with her he thought. 

Suga : you ok Mia

Mia nodded sipping her champagne

Lance : BG we know what's running in your mind . You don't have to be scared we have got your back .

Mia : i-i am just scared what if everyone funds about my real identity.  They both don't know about me.  Apparently my parents never told them that they had an other sibling

Mia voice cracked but she didn't cried .

Suga : I hate your parents.  I never understand how can they do that to you . There point for leaving you is so childish . They were rich should have made some agreements with the law .

Lance : motherfuckers

Lance mumbled but eve came to them

Eve : oh god what the hell mai you are sitting here cinema on girl enjoy its my wedding tomorrow

Mia : please eve I will be sitting here I am not feeling good

Eve : what are you ok

Mia : I am ok just a bit down you go enjoy

Eve : ok then I will go but you know na I feel bad when you will not be enjoying with me

Mia rolled her eyes as she stood up seeing her pout and puppy eyes . Suga gave her a nod to go as she went with her to where everyone was dancing. 

A romantic song played and Mia was dancing with eve but taehyung took eve for a dance.  Mia swayed her hops on the eat but she jumped when someone snaked their hands around her waist pulling her into his chest

Her breath hitched when her eyes met with the familiar pair of brown  eyes .


To be continued...

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Guys I was thinking to stop this story as not much people are reading it .

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