8- Like her?

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Mia finished telling the story as she got up from her place .

Evelyn :
are you going

Mia : I have to leave . I have university tomorrow

Mia collected her things as she pecked Nari's forehead and then turned to hoseok

Mia : take care of her tell me when suga oppa reaches .

Hoseok : I will take care of your self to .

Mia turned to her friend as she came near her and hugged her

Eve : let us drop you .

Mia : no need I will go myself

Mia declined as she bid goodbye to everyone and one last time she looked at Jungkook and again their eyes met as she left .

Mia came out and sat with in the black Mercedes as the driver dropped her of to her apartment .

Hoseok : I will also leave now

Evelyn : ok oppa buy you have to tell suga oppa that we all want to meet him please amd also you both have to come to mine and taehyungs wedding to .

Hoseok smiled at them and nodded . He left with a sleeping Nari in his arms .

Eve : oh god so many shocks today

Jungkook: ok guys them I will also be leaving. Come on Taehyung hyung drop me

Jungkook smirked at taehyung who rolled his eyes

Taehyung: who told you to cling with us

Jungkook: i-um just wanted to see and I thought I will get bored so I thought to come with you guys and look I got to know about suga hyung and met hoseok hyung

He justified and looked at the couple infront of him amd found them smirking at him

Jungkook: what

Taehyung: you sure you only came for this

Jungkook: yes of course

Eve : I think you came for Mia. Do you like her

Jungkook eyes widened as his ears turned red as he avoided there gaze

Jungkook : w-hat ar-e you s-aying I barely know her

Eve : you were staring like a teenager on her all the time

Eve grinned

Jungkook: oh god taehyung hyung come on drop me hurry up halmeoni will be worried

Taehyung: ok ok

Taehyung grabbed his car keys and pecked eves lips

Jungkook: ewww you are both disgusting

He spoke and succried out quickly as eve and taehyung laughed

Taehyung dropped him at his hapmeonis

Taehyung: be ready at 3 tomorrow we have to go for shopping

Jungkook gave a thumbs up as tae left and jungkook went inside and went to his room and slept whole thinking about Mia .

Next Morning

Mia Pov :

I woke up by annoying voice of my alarm as I turned it of. It was 5:30 in the morning I quickly got up and took a shower and changed into a comfy outfit.

I brushed my hair and went downstairs and made myself a mocha latte with some waffles

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I brushed my hair and went downstairs and made myself a mocha latte with some waffles.

After eating my breakfast I quickly grabbed my bag and left for my university.

I had a car amd it's a sports car but I use it very less amd for other purposes I like to walk because my university is not very far .

I was walking to my university when last night's events flashed in my mind. I didn't want eve to know about this side and life of mine . But what can we do now .

And even that angel bumper also saw me . Arghh . Anyways why I card about him .

I soon reached and went to my class their were still 15 minutes in my lecture so I plugged in my ear pods and played my Playlist.

After a tiring day at university I reached my apartment at 1 as i have classes today only till 12:30 . I made myself Ramen and suddenly my phone rang . It was eve oh god . I answered the call

Eve : hello Mia. Be ready . I will be at your apartment at 3 Sharp

She shouted and cut the call . Arrgh this girl is so nosey . I never went to any mall I always did online shopping. I al not interested in all this shit .

I ate my lunch and did some chores and university work and at 3:10 eve texted me that she is waiting for me outside .

I texted her that I am coming and locked my apartment and went downstairs by elevator and saw a black fortuner

The mirror rolled down and eve gestured me to come . As I sat at the back passenger seat and noticed that the angel bumper is also present at the front seat along with tae oppa .

Mia : hello

Eve ; oh thank God you came quickly. So we are going to the mall . You know you are my brides maid so we have to buy alot of dresses and alot of things

I rolled my eyes at her blabbering and looked in the front . Tae oppa and that angel bumper were also bickering at some annoying game at which I again rolled my eyes .

After a 20 minutes drive we reached the mall . And I just wanted to run away from here already .

Fuck I hate crowded places . I was never a fan of these places. We all came out of the car amd unknowingly my eyes stared at that angel bumper who was in his casual but qas looking super ho- oh what the fuck Mia.

Eve smacked my head and everyone turned to her, and I glared at her

Eve : what the hell you are wearing in this hot wedding . Pants and shirt with another shirt .

She angrily said as taehyung oppa and that angel bumper also looked at me .

Mia : come on hurry up. I hate these places you know well. I never in my life visited a mall do hurry before I change my mind of coming with you .

Their jaw dropped, and I annoyingly walked ahead

Jungkook: you never went to a mall ?

Taehyung: then how you buy things

Mia ; well there is online shopping for fu- I mean I do online shopping I am not interested in going to mall and supermarkets.

I said as we all went inside the mall which was not crowded much thankfully and this girl was already eating my mind that why I don't go out and blah blah blah .

Eventually we reached a store and went inside but here comes my destruction.


To be continued....

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