1- Him

473 30 5

Kang Mia's Pov :

I was walking back from my university to my apartment which was only two 5 blocks away . I sighed and looked at my smart watch to find its 4 pm . " I should hurry " I mumbled to myself. I reached my apartment in 15 minutes and directly went to take a bath.

After a quick bath to relax my fucked up mind . I came downstairs and heated yesterday's leftover pasta and ate it. After eating I quickly grabbed my work bag and left my apartment after locking it. It was 4:45pm now . And walked fastly to reach before 5 at the Cafe where I work .

I plugged in my airpods and played .

Dynasty by MIIA .

It's my favorite song .

On my way I don't know suddenly someone bumped into my shoulder making my things fall on the road . I was literally going to punch that fucker but wait .

??? : oh I am really very sorry . I just didn't see you .

He spoke and quickly crouched down picking my phone airpods and my bag . I literally wanted to punch him . How dare he bump into me , I took my things from him and my eyes which were staring his feet roamed and stopped at his face making me stare his face ;

and oh my god he is angel ; Wait What the fuck , I with a cold stern face I mumbled a " thank you " and quickly left from their whereas he was still staring at me. Angel bumper . What the hell . Why I care . Go to hell why you bumped into me . Idiot blind angel bumper .

Arrrggghhhh whatever .

I was in my own cursing him when I was stopped by a voice .

??? : hey Mia . I guess the Cafe is here not there.

I stopped in my tracks and quickly turned around to find my co-worker Elizabeth Crook . Well she is 30 years old . 10 years older then me . And she is working in this Cafe from 7 years .

Mia : oh god where the fuck is my mind .

I cursed myself and quickly ran back to the Cafe.

Mia : hey Eli.

Elizabeth: hi Mia. Where were you lost

Mia : ohh sorry I just lost track while thinking something

Eli smiled as I gave her a nod and we both went inside . Well this is the Billy's Cafe . Where I work part-time. My shift starts at 5 pm till 10 pm . I am working here when I turned 18.

Well this is a very nice workplace and very friendly environment. I don't like to talk much so Eli is the only one speaking and telling .

I changed into my work uniform which was a cutout brown jumper skirt with a crop top . Well I hate these type of dresses .

 Well I hate these type of dresses

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Later At 10pm :

Finally my shift ended and it was now exactly 10pm . I changed back to my clothes . " ahhh comfy comfy "

 " ahhh comfy comfy "

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This is Mia's haircut

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This is Mia's haircut .

I bid goodbye to Eli and came out . I crossed the road which was quite busy and went to the Bakery to purchase French hearts for halmeoni

After buying them I made my way towards her house which was only near to my apartment. On my way my thoughts again got disturbed by that Idiot angel bumper . Arrgh why is his face coming infront of me . Shoo shoo evil evil shoo shoo .

I reached halmeonis house which was a very beautiful and elegant corner house not very big but normal . I was surprised to see a brand new black car parked outside her house . " is she expecting guests "

I thought but shrugged and rang the bell . In no time the door was opened by a smiling halmeoni

Mia : hello halmeoni

Halmeoni : aww my dear mia. I was waiting for you come my dear

She welcomed me happily as I handed her the box of French hearts

Mia : this is only for you .

I spoke as her eyes shined, and she took it, kissing my cheeks.

Halmeoni: aww thank you dear . Now come inside . I have made your favorite chowmein .

I closed the door and went inside with her in the kitchen

Mia : Are you expecting someone halmeoni .

I ask her as I found a suitcase in the lounge .

Halmeoni : yes my grandson has come here to spend his friends wedding . So he will be staying here .

Mia : oh the one you always talk about.

Halmeoni laughed as she took out some dishes from the cupboard

Halemoni : yes yes him .

I nodded as I helped her in setting the table.

Mia : oh my phone battery is dead let me just plug it halmeoni . I will be back .

Halmeoni : ok dear

I took my phone amd charger and went in the lounge . The switch was beside the stairs so I crouched down to plug my phone. As I was done I heard footsteps coming and I hurriedly stood up but the person bumped into me and I was about to fall and closed my eyes to feel the floor .

But someone snaked their hands around my waist and pulled me towards them . I opened my eyes and faced a bare chest which made me gulp. I looked up to see the one and only Idiot Angel faced bumper looking at me with shock.

??? : you .


To be continued....

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How's the first chapter guys tell me your comments gave me motivation .


Lots of love

Lilith ❤️

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