7- Story

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Author Pov :

Taehyung, jungkook and Evelyn were staring at the men and Evelyn with wide eyes . The rescue team climbed in to help the fainted men. One men forwarded Mia a towel which she took and cleaned her blood.

She quickly jumped off the rink as hoseok came near her along with eve and the two others.

Mia : get them out of here quickly

Mia spoke quickly in authorative tone . And they weren't able to speak as she quickly left from their .

Mia ran pit of the hall to the cabin outside where Alexander was . She saw that two guards were dragging Nari with them to the black cars as the girl was crying and wriggling.

Mia ran as she kicked one from behind making him fall . The other one turned to her and was about to punch her when she ducked down and picked up Nari .

Guard : you bitch we will kill you .

He spoke and at that very moment hoseok , Evelyn, taehyung and jungkook also appeared. Mia quickly put Nari and whispered her to run to hoseok as she did .

One guard took out his knife and lunged forward but Mia was quick enough to grab his arm and punched his jaw . As the second men was about to hit her with a rod jungkook kicked that guy . And after giving two three punches that men fainted . Luckily Mia was also able to knock out the men with knife .

She stood up amd turned around breathing heavily to see jungkook already staring at her . Their eyes met and Mia felt like drowning in his eyes . Mia blinked her eyes lazily . Her head was now spinning as she moved a little uncomfortably. Evelyn and taehyung along with hoseok and Nari ran to them.

Eve : oh my god Mia are you ok

She spoke crying but Mia only nodded jungkook looked at her with concern as he moved a little closer to her . She put her hand on her hand and the next moment she was about to fall but jungkook was quick enough to grab her in his arms .

Taehyung: what happened

Jungkook: she fainted

Hoseok : we should get out of here .

Theh all nodded .

Jungkook took Mia bridal style in his arms as they all went to the car . They all reached the hotel taehyung and eve were staying .

Eve bandaged some injuries of Mia as she tucked her in bed and placed some pants and shirt for her to wear when she wake up.

She then joined the boys sitting out the room in the lounge of . Nari slept in hoseok arms as he gently laid her on the other free couch. He turned to look at the three who were already looking at him with questioning gazes

Jungkook: now spill hyung . What was all that

Evelyn : yes oppa please tell . What is this all . How Mia all know that . And even she was so famous their.

Hoseok gulped prayed that Mia will not kill him for spilling the tea . He sighed and spoke

Hoseok : well . Nari is suga hyungs daughter.

Their eyes widened

Taehyung: what suga hyung had a daughter and didn't told us.

Hoseok : well that was a secret to be kept because he was getting monitored by his enemies and he didn't want anyone of you to get in trouble so he stopped talking with you all .

Eve : where is Hari unnie

Hoseok wiped a year which left his eyes

Hoseok : she was murdered 6 months ago by the same men who kidnapped Nari toady .

They all were shocked to hear the news

Taehyung: noona d-died

Their one of best friends died .

Hoseok : and if Mia was not here today I dint know if Nari would have been safe or not . All thanks to her

Jungkook : where is suga hyung

Hoseok : he got kidnapped by the same men . Our men's betrayed us but luckily suga hyung is on his way here he was able to get out of here . My men told me .

They all nodded

Evelyn : but how you all know Mia. How you met her and what she have to do with the fighting thing

Hoseok : well this-

As he was about to speak the bedroom door opened and Mia came out dressed in the pants and shirt.

Eve ran to her engulfing hee in a hug

Eve : oh god Mia.

She cried hugging her . After seconds she broke the hug and looked at Mia

Eve : arr you okay

Mia nodded as they made their way to the couch. Jungkook quickly poured water as he extended infron to Mia. She looked at him but took the water as she drank it

Mia : why you followed me eve

She spoke calmly yet it was scary for eve .

Eve : i-um . Hehe . I am sorry Mia. I just was worried for you . You leaving suddenly without telling me when you use to tell me everything I got worried so I followed you

Eve spoke apologetically .

Hoseok : hyung escaped he is on his way back .

Mia nodded in acknowledgement

Taehyung: how do you know suga hyung and hoseok hyung

Mia took a deep breath as she looked at all of them and spoke .

Mia : when Evelyn left . I got enrolled in university of California. The classes which I got in them only me and Hari unnie use to teach us Computer science and literature. I qas the only Korean in the class so she use to talk with me . And after many attempts she became my friends. She was like a big sister to me. Once she took me to meet her daughter and husband . Their I met suga oppa and hoseok oppa . We all got together well. One day I was returned from university when I heard some gunshots from a street . When I reached their I saw many men dead and suga oppa injured severely. I took him to my apartment and if I hadn't bandaged his wounds he would have died . I called hair unnie as she came immediately. And from that day suga hyung also treated me like a little sister. Me and Hari unnie practiced fighting. And one day we went to a place where their was a fighting battle and I just offered and fron their it all started . I use to go for tournaments but later suga oppa told that these were all underground so I should be careful and that's all


To be continued

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