6- Fighting

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Mia entered the hall along with hoseok from the place where she was dropped of . This place was very famous for underground fightings

On the other hand their taehyung, jungkook and Evelyn were stopped by two guards .

Guard : who are you and why you came here .

Taehyung and jungkook looked at each other as they spoke

Taehyung: umm we are here to se-

Guard 2 : oh you must be here for the tournament. Go this way

The guard let them in and they sighed a breath of relief. The three entered the hall but were shocked to see the atmosphere. Girls boys hooting and screaming while two people in the fighting rink fighting

Jungkook: ewww it's such a strange place.

Eve : what the hell is this place, and what has Mia to do with it .

She whispered to taehyung and jungkook all afraid and confused .

Taehyung : I also don't understand .

The three reached the crowd as someone shouted loudly from the Mike

MC : everyone quiet . The famous Mia is here

All the crowd went silent and taehyung jungkook and eve eyes widened in shock when they see her entering the hall .

Jungkook: what is she going to do .

Taehyung: isn't he hosoek oppa beside her

Jungkook: oh my god it him how Mia knows him

The three were in shock when Mia entered the fighting rink hosek stopped her amd whispered

Hoseok : please be alright Mia. Or suga hying will kill me

He spoke with many emotions . Mia nodded as she entered the rink .

MC : on the wish of Mr.Knight . There is going to be a match in between the famous Mia and Willy Bill the most famous trained fighter from Spain.

Just then a very bulky muscle men . Double in size from Mia entered the rink smiling evily .

Eve : oh my god what the hell is happening. Is she going to fight this dinosaur. Why what is this all .

She spoke as tears well up in her eyes . Taehyung hugged her from side

Taehyung: every thing will be okay . We will ask her once she comes

Jungkook was their standing worried for Mia.

MC : if Mia win Mr.Knight will fulfill her request and if she lose any8ne from the crowd have to came on the rink and fuck her infront of everyone.

Taehyung, eve and jungkook felt their throats getting dry .

Jungkook: w-what .

Eve : who is this Mr.knight why is Mia doing all this .

They spotted more closer as Evelyn shouted


Mia who was staring at her opponent with utter anger turned her head around to see her best friend her fiancee and angel bumper . She become shocked

Mia : fuck

She mumbled and gave them a apologetic look and gestured hoseok to take care of them as he nodded

MC : so the fights starts now .

Hoseok quickly went to the three of them

Jungkook: oh my god hoseok hyung what is all this happening

Hoseok : I will tell you everything thing later . Just keep quiet and don't make any move

He warned them and stood beside them near the rink .

The fight started as the the men willy bill roared and the crowd shouted and screamed . Some voting for that men and some for Mia.

Mia started to jump on her place as she bought her hands infront of her face .

The men ran towards her as he throwed a puvhed in her direction but Mia stepped back. He again throwed another puch but she ducked down amd punched with full force in his stomach . He stumbled back as the crowd hooted for Mia .

The men then again started to close the distance between them as he puched directly on mias jaw making her fall on the floor.

Jungkook ran near her but hoseok held him back . Mia wiped the blood which cane from her lip as she bought her eyes up and saw jungkook staring at her with worried expression.

She got lost in his eyes . Which showed her much motivation and strength. She sensed bills footsteps amd as he was about to puch her she rolled aside as kicked his back. He fall towards the end of the rink on the ropes. As Mia kicked him two more times and stepped back again bringing her hands near her face .

The men graoned and turned around. He lunged forward to kick her bit she dodged him by directly kicking at his face as he spotted blood .

The crowd cheered for Mia. The men turned around as he ran and held her by her waist and harshly swing her in air and throwed on the floor mercilessly as Mia grunted but as she was giung to stand up he punched her jaw again making her fall she again stood up and lunged forward but he kicked her directly in stomach with a ouch at her face but it got missed as he hit her collar bone .

Mia felt on her as she coughed blood.

Eve : oh my god she will die . What is this all

Eve cried as jungkook also clenched his fists.

Mia was breathing heavily and Bill was looking at he smirking .
As she was going to stand up he again kicked her making her fall on jer face . She was not lying on the floor on her stomach breathing heavily .

She looked to see her friend crying and jungkook also all tensed with taehyung and hoseok. She gave them a smile as a thought crossed her mind

" you are the bravest . You will never lose . Never give your opponent high hopes . When they expect the least from you . Take it as your chance . "

Mia closed her eyes

MC : it looks like Mia is losing . Five , four , three

As he was going to say Mia stood up quickly kicking the men in his balls . He fell on the floor as Mia punched his jaw three times briking his teeth and then she kicked him in his stomach with full force that he started to cough blood .

Mia stepped a little back as he stood up eyes red with anger . He wiped the blood from his face and as he was about to lu get forward Mia jumped in air and swing her legs and kicked him in his stomach three time in air .

Everyone in the crowd saw her with wide eyes amd jaw dropped . She again lunged forward and puched Bill in his face breaking his face bone as he fainted

MC : 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 and Mia is the winner .

Everyone started to cheer as Mia looked at the men breathing heavily.


To be continued.....

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