10- Brother

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Mia reached the table and the fact she didn't noticed was that someone was burning in jealousy unknowingly.

Eve : oh my god. You had a boyfriend and you didn't told me .

Eve shouted that some people also turned to look at them and she gave them apologetic face . Mia rolled her eyes as she sat on her seat .

Mia : he is not my boyfriend. I am not interested in this shit

Eve : but he kissed you on your lips

Mia look at her bewildered

Mia : what the fuck Evelyn. He kissed my cheek not my lips. There is so much distance between cheek and lips .

Mia snapped at her on which eve made faces

Eve : well who was he

Mia : a friend

Mia spoke as she took a slice of pizza and started to eat she glanced at jungkook and saw his jaw was clenched she shrugged as taehyung took all of them in a conversation.

After a tiring time in Mall they were driving back to first drop Mia and jungkook home.

Eve : Mia tomorrow is small Bachelorette party and you will also be coming no arguing.

Eve told Mia sternly on which Mia sighed and nodded and Eve squealed.

Taehyung: it was nice time with you Mia. Will see you tomorrow.

Taehyung spoke as he stopped infront of her apartment .

Mia : thank you oppa i also had a great time

Mia said polity as she bid goodbye and went to her apartment.

Taehyung turned the car towards jungkooks halmeonis house .

Taehyung: you are whipped on her men

Jungkook who was lost in thoughts cane out of his trance

Jungkook: what no hell way hyung

Eve : yes yes . You were literally throwing daggers to that guy at mall

Eve and taehyung laughed as jungkook rolled his eyes

Jungkook: you guys are so ewwww.

He spoke as he bud his goodbye and went inside and saw his halmeoni making dinner . He hugged did halmeoni

Halmeoni: oh my baby is back

Jungkook: I am not a baby

Jungkook pouted on which halmeoni chuckled

Halmeoni : ok ok my big baby so how was your day

Jungkook: it was amazing we bought many things amd taehyung hyung and Eve are also very happy

Halemoni : ok now go freshen yo and then come for dinner .

Jungkook quickly went to take a shower and then he spent some time with his grandma and at night he slept thinking about Mia.

Mia Pov :

Oh god i got to much tired today. This bitch Eve literally weared me out today.

It was 9 on the dial . Oh God we walked so much today.

I came inside my apartment and quickly jumped for a relaxing bath . After bath I changed into a pair of sweats and went downstairs but suddenly the bell rand Indicating its Lance .

I opened the door and he gave me a wide smile as he entered. He was holding bags .

Lance : Look what I bought your favorite grilled chicken with rice .

He grinned as I chuckled and welcomed him inside as he handed me the bags .

He is another important part of my life . The brotherly figure which i yearned was given to me by him . He loves me like his own little sister and I love him to but I don't accept the fact due to my cold personality.

Lance : what was my BG doing .

Mia: just took a shower

I spoke as I dished out the food in the plates as we both sat on the dinning table

Lance: well BG you are doing ok .

He asked me worriedly . He cares about me alot

Mia: I am fine Lance nothing to worry about

Lance : i just want you to be safe and happy

I smiled at him painfully. The hurt burns my chest

Mia : I am happy look i am living here I have you , yoongi oppa , hoseok oppa . I'm doing great with you guys. God knows if you were not in my life what I would be doing

He held my hand as caressed it with his thumb

Lance : you don't have to worry BG . We will always be with you . Especially me how will live without my little sister

He spoke smiling as I chuckled

Mia : ok ok let's eat I am hungry .

We both dig in and oh god it's hella tasty.

Lance : so your friend evelyn is getting married

I nodded

Lance : well what are thinking about the races.

My eyes lit up oh god I love them

Mia : I really wanna join you know again

Lance : well then what's stopping you

Mia : ok then we will do it after eves wedding

Lance nodded

Lance: well I was thinking why you don't quit working in cafe . I am herr for you and even Yoongi is their always helping you .

Mia: I know but I just wanted to make myself busy I don't wanted to be burden on anyone. I didn't want any of you to spend on me useless

Lance rolled his eyes

Lance : oh god Mia stop with your overthinking. You will never be a burden on us and what are big brother for. To spoil their sisters . I am telling just focus on your studies and your dream. Quit the job please I am here for you

Mia : i-um

He glared in which I nodded

Lance : yeah that's my good girl

We both spent a nice time and he left at midnight after a lot of talks and bickering.

I drifted to my dreamland. Tomorrow was Sunday means no work no uni .

But I just remembered I have to do some file working for yoongi oppa .

Next day i woke up at 12 in the morning and did the file work and send it to yoongi oppa . After that I did some chores and now it was 5 . I went to my mini gym amd did some exercise for an hour.

I was drenched in sweat as I sat amd was drinking water when the bell rang and I went to se eve.

Eve : oh god you took so much time what were you doing

Mia : I was in the gym

She came inside with bags as she plopped on the couch

Eve : come on we have to get ready for the Bachelorette party

She spoke grinning. Oh God I am done with her .


To be continued...

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