4- Friend

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Mia Pov :

I never in my millions life thought . That the person whom I bumped on the road will be halmeonis grandson . Well when I was done plugging in the charger I stood up when I heard footsteps amd was about to fall when he held me securely by my waist . Oh God he was shirtless. Oh my poor eyes .

I pushed him quickly breaking the eys contact and came to the kitchen . I didn't know my breathing was uneven. I drank a glass of water quickly . As halmeoni turned to me .

Halmeoni: are you okay mia

Mia : y-yes

She nodded as she started to dish out the foods she made .

Later thay idiot angel bumper and halmeoni introduced him to me . His name is Jeon Jungkook. Well I have heard this name I guess .
He then spoke

Jungkook: hell I am jeon jungkook nice to meet you

Showing his perfect bunny smile . Oh God he is so cut- wait what the fuck Mia.

Mia : I am Mia.

I spoke coldly, and his whining pout didn't go unnoticed by me. Then we all sat on the table and started the dinner .

He was stealing glances at me I was able to feel it while talking with his halmeoni.

Halmeoni : so did you find the girl.whom you bumped in today

I stopped eating as I looked at halmeoni who asked jungkook as he awkwardly looked at me and spoke

Jungkook: a-i um yes

Halemoni : oh great who is she maybe I know her

He laughed nervously still looking at me as I broke the eye contact .

Jungkook: its her .

He gestured towards me . On which halmeoni squealed in happiness making both of us flinch

Halmeoni : oh god it's so good . That you both have met .

Why is it good. It's not like he is my boyfr- argh Mia fucking stop thinking

Halmeoni : you both will really look good together.

Mu eyes widened as I looked at jungkook whose ears turned red and he immediately looked down . Aww he's so cute- fuck of

Suddenly the door bell rang and jungkook quickly spoke to escape the awkward environment

Jungkook : i will see

As he left halmeoni held my hand and smiled making me confuse

Mia : what happened halmeoni

Halmeoni : Mia dear you are very good girl . I like you alot . I was thinking if you marry my jungkook

And that was it my jaw dropped and my eyes popped out of sockets

Mia : w-what

I qas in my shock when I heard voices. Voices very familiar and heard someone calling my name .

??? : ohh my god MiA what are you doing here

The girly voice squealed as she jumped towards me and hugged me tightly and wait oh god it Evelyn. Evelyn Arthur my friend from childhood. She went to Korea 3 years ago for studies. And she was going to come here because she was getting married. I hugged her back

Mia : hey eve

I spoke as she broke the hug

Eve : what are you doing over here

Mia : well I came to visit halmeoni .

Eve : ohh God I was going to surprise you at 12 but here you are .

She spoke as she then looked around to see halmeoni looking at her

Eve : oh hello halemeoni I am Evelyn. I am jungkooks oppa friends fiancée.

She spoke while bowing as halmeoni send her good wishes. Wait What jungkook oppa . What the hell .I turned to see a talk guy standing beside that angel bumper. Oh its taehyung oppa . He's Evelyn's fiancée. I have talked him over phone.

Taehyung: hey Mia how are you

Mia : oh I am good . How are you oppa

I spoke as he smiled

Taehyung: I am good

Jungkook: wait , wait , wait you two know each other

Taehyung: yes she's Evelyn's childhood friend .

He spoke and came to his fiancée as they both were talking with halmeoni that angel bumper was Still staring at my face. What the fuck . Did halmeoni just gave me a marriage proposal

I was in my thoughts when Evelyn shaked me .

Eve : oh god where are you Mia .

Mia : oh sorry Nothing

Eve : ok so tomorrow you are coming with me for buying my wedding gown and your bridesmaid gown .

Mia : wait what when did I agreed on that

Eve : you didn't I am taking you forcefully idiot .

She spoke making me roll my eyes . We chatted a little more her describing her life in Korea and her time with her fiancé. Where as that angel bumper and taehyung oppa were sitting opposite side of table talking about things with halmeoni .

I always wondered how is Korea. I have never been their . I was born their bit I don't know how is it their because after my birth my parents brought me to New York USA . I don't know but all I know is that I was born accidentally.

I shouldn't have been born that's why my parents handed me over to my grandparents who look after me till I was 13 . When I was 13 they both passed away in an accident. I used to live in the big ass mansion alone with two maids who use to look after me. And it was the last time I met my parents.

After my grandparents death they never came to see me anymore. Like I was not needed. Like they never cared . Maybe they are happy with my elder siblings. This reason made me the cold and emotionless girl I am today .

When I was in school I use to sit all alone but Evelyn was the only one who use to come amd talk to me and finally she succeeded in making friends with me . I never talked to any kid in school but this girl use to always annoy the hell out me and yes she is my best friend.

Whomever I loved left me except her she still cares for me and I am thankful to her .


To be continued.....

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