5- Call

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Mia Pov :

I was in my thoughts listening to eves blabbering as i saw that angle bumper stealing glances at me. But suddenly my phone rang .

Mia : oh I will just take my phone.

Eve nodded as I went in the lounge and seeing the caller ID I quickly picked up the call .

??? : hurry Mia. To the base now. My driver is outside your house.

Mia : ok tell him to pick me from halmeonis house .

I said and the line went silent . I got tensed up thinking about about happened. I went to the kitchen and saw everyone talking

Mia : um halmeoni I am leaving I have an urgent work.

Eve : what why . What is that urgent work. No girl I just came you can't leave .

I rolled my eyes at her blabbering as halmeoni spoke

Halmeoni : ok dear. But is everything OK. Why leaving so early .

Mia : yeah everything ok just got some work from my boss .

I lied but I know eve will not agree.

Eve : no but-

Mia : I will meet you tomorrow. Bye everyone.

I said and looked at that angel bumper for the last time amd our eyes met making me feel weird in my stomach pit . But I shrugged it as I hurried out

I came out and saw a black Mercedes I quickly sat in the passengers seat as the driver drove of .

Author Pov:

As Mia left eve whined

Eve : oh god how can she leave like that . And what is that emergency. She never leaves without telling me. Oh I am getting worried

She spoke

Taehyung: babe don't worry shr must have some urgent work. Maybe she will tell you later

Eve : no she always tell me but I know something bad had occurred . We should follow her let's go tae . Come on

Taehyung: oh god ok eve

They both stood up when jungkook spoke

Jungkook: I will also come

They both nodded and bidding halmeoni goodbye they hurried out to see her leaving in a car.

Eve : quick tae follow her .

After getting settled in the car they started to drive a little away from the car in which was Mia.

Mia reached a secluded building . It was dark their . She quickly came out of the car and went inside to see a men waiting for her .

??? : oh thank God you reached on time Mia.

Mia : hmm . Where's oppa is he alright tell me .

??? : there's a problem Mia and I think you can help us . You Remember Alexander Knight .

Mia : umm yes the obsessed lover of Hari unnie .

??? : yes him . He had kidnapped Nari . And he brought her here . He lied to suga hyung that he had his daughter in New York and he went their and had kidnapped him. Amd Nari is with him here. Only you can help us now

Mia nodded and went inside the building. A guard stopped her .

Guard : who are you .

He spoke harshly .

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