13- Kiss

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Mia Pov :

We all were talking after yoongi oppa came with Lance and hoseok oppa .

But the surprise which I got was not what I ever thought. Their eneterrd my real siblings and I know I can get a panic attack if I continue to think about my bitter past .

Well yoongi oppa and Lance consoled me and after that eve made me dance. Well I was dancing with her but suddenly the music changed to another and eve was taken away by Taehyung oppa .

As I was about to leave someone snaked their hands around me and pulled me . As I hit a hard chest amd my hand rested on his chest

My heart beat quickened and my breath hitched when my eyes met with that angel bumpers eyes .

He pulled me more closer as our bodies touching and faces only inches apart.

Jungkook: you are looking ravishing.

I felt heat rush to my face as I try to look down but he held my face with his one hand and made me look in his eyes.

I don't know why I felt his touch so smoothing and hadn't punched him .

We both were slowly swaying with the music and suddenly he started to lean his face more closer to mine that his nose was touching mine .
" fuck me is he going to kiss me "

His hot breath fanning my lips I unknowingly wrapped my hands around his neck and his lips brushed against me .

My heart was drumming crazily against my chest but suddenly the sond stopped and I parted away from him abruptly
" oh god what the fuck I was going to do , I was going to let him kiss me "

I quickly turned around thank God no one noticed me but I know two pair of eyes on me who were monitoring me all time .

I quickly grabbed the red whine from the waiter as I gulped it in one go . " oh god what the hell just was happening "

I was in my thoughts when I heard eve shouting

Eve : come on gugs let's play truth and dare .

Okay I practiced my breath as I sit beside eve and all the boys and girls sit in a circle .

Jimin : oh yayy I am excited

Jungkook was gazing at me but I didn't looked at him . Soon the bottle was spinned and it landed on Taehyung oppa and his friends smirked at him

Jungkook: woah first turn goes to soon to be married

Jimin : Truth Or Dare ?

Tae oppa glared at him amd eve looked at him more curiously as he nervously spoke
Taehyung: Truth

Jimin : Reveal all the details of your first kiss.

Taehyung: well my first kiss was when I was 15 and at the annual school party with my first crush at the backside of school as we bumped into each other .

His friends hooted at him as eve shouted

Eve : WHAT you didn't even tile me this

Taehyung: hehehe you never asked

Namjoon : who was she and why didn't we know her

Taehyung: one question in one turn

Again the bottle was spinned

And it landed on Jin oppa and he made faces

Jin : Truth

Eve : what wait I will ask . What is the weirdest trend you've ever participated in?

She gave him a cheeky smile as he glared her

Jin : it was when I was forced to wear a Bear costume just to impress a little girl who was crying not finding her mother

Everyone laughed as I smiled. The bottle spinned and it landed on eves friend soohee .

Soohee: DARE

Nana : Take an embarrassing selfish and post it on your Instagram profile

She did and everyone laughed

The bottle again three times and this time it stopped on su-ah .

Eve : Truth or dare

Su-ah : umm dare

Taehyung: I dare you to sit on jimins lap for rest of the game

Her eyes widened amd she blushed . Looks like something is going on .

She shyly went amd sit on his lap as he held her waist and whispered something in her ear and she blushed.

The bottle was again spinned and it landed on Jun . Well my real brother

Jun : DARE

In-su : call your parents amd told them you got arrested

Jun : what the fuck no

Hoseok : it's a date and you have to do it

Jun : Arghh.

He dialed a number amd put it on loud speaker amd after two rings a manly voice came . I shivered I Remember his voice very well

Jun : hello dad I just got arrested please help me

Mr.Kang : what why . For what . What you Mean

Jun : nothing dad I will call you later.

He cut the call and everyone laughed at him

The bottle got spinne and it landed on me. Fuck .

Mia: umm Truth

Eve : ok I will sk my best friend. So when did you learned dancing.

Oh god this girl.

Mia : three years back when I met hoseok oppa . He told he had a studio and i went there some tumes and soon it interested me and i practiced with him

They all nodded .

The bottle was again spinned and this time it landed on that angel bumper. My breath caught in my throat as our eyes met

Jungkook : DARE

His friends gave him a teasing

Jin : kiss anyone from the group so we get to know are you gay or into girls .

Jungkook eyes widened as he whined

Jungkook: no what the hell hyung this is so cringe. I am not gay

Jimin : it's a dare and you have to do it.

He sighed as he gazed around and his eyes met mine. He stood up and every one looked at him curiously.

He closed his eyes thinking and opened them and quickly marched towards me and without any second he cupped my face and smashed his lips on mine.

My eyes widened he sucked for a second on my lips and agin returned to his place .

Everyone stared at him with jaw dropped and I was still processing what just happened


To be continued

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