3- Her

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Jeon Jungkook Pov :

I was sitting in my private jet sipping my champagne. Ahh God why I even have to marry .

I was never interested in girls . In college in university many girls tried to seduce or flirt with me but I never cared nor responded to them . If I ever fall in love I don't want it to be a joke . I want to live a normal happy life with the person I love . And up till now no girl caught my attention. 

And look at my parents they literally choose that ewwww Lia for me . Yuck I will never even like to see her face .

I was in my thoughts when I was notified that the plane is going to land .

I landed in California safely and was on the way to my grandma's house . Well I am very excited to meet her because I am going to meet her after 3 years . Last I met her 3 years ago when I became the CEO of my dad's company .

I was near her house and saw a florist shop . So I decided to buy her flowers . My secretary parked the car and I told him to buy daisies for my grandma . He went inside the shop as I waited for him by standing with the car .

Suddenly I turned around amd felt like someone bumped into me. It was a girl . Her thing fell so I quickly apologized and crouched down to pick her things and handed her . But wait as my eyes went to her face my breath hitched . My hand slightly brushed her hand and I felt sparks within me.  She was ethereal. 

I guess I angered her she just only for a second looked at me and after mumbling a thank you with a cold stern gaze she left . Oh God she was so beautiful.  So different.  But so cold . I watched her as she left and zoned out when my secretary Song Min called me .

Min : hello Mr Jeon

Jungkook: ohh sorry I zoned out .

He handed me the daisies and we both went to our grandma's house . I rang the bell and my halmeoni cane out and hugged me

Halmeoni: ohb my dear jungkook.  You have changed so much.

She spoke as she kissed my forehead I handed her the flowers which she gladly accepted and welcomed me inside.  Min left to hotel as he wanted to meet some of his friends. 

Jungkook: how are you halmeoni

Halmeoni: I am good my child how are you

Jungkook : I am also good .

Halmeoni: well I didn't look like . Is something bothering you jungkook tell you halmeoni

Jungkook: umm well you know what mom dad wants me to marry uncle Kang daughter . But I don't like her . Ewww I hate her . What should I do

Halmeoni: oh my son . Do you like someone else .

I thought for a moment well there is no one in my life butvwait that girl toady , she literally took away my heartbeat. 

Halemoni : it means there is someone hub

She should at me teasingly on which I whined

Jungkook : no there is no one . It's just I bumped in a girl today and I kinda liked her but I'd ont know her  . Leave that halmeoni now you help me how to escape this problem .

Halmeoni : hmm we have to think about that . Don't worry I will find a solution for you my dear .

She smiled assuringly and I nodded

Halmeoni : ok wash your hands and come eat.  I have made your favorite dishes .

After chatting and lunch I came in my room amd texted taehyung hyung that I am here and he told me to meet him tomorrow. 

I put my phone aside and agin that girls face flashed in my mind. Well she was so beautiful . I in her thoughts drifted to sleep

Later I woke up at 9:30 and when my halmeoni came to wake me . I took a shower and came out to find that my suitcase was still downstairs.  I opened the cupboard to find only a pair of black jeans . I wore them and came out to take my suitcase from downstairs so that I can wore a shirt .

I was in my own thoughts climbing the stairs down when after the last step I bumped into someone and that someone was a girl and was about to fall when I held her by her waist but my eyes widened when I looked at her face .

Oh my god.  It's the same girl who bumped into me near the car. She was also looking  at me shocked .

Jungkook: you ?

She blinked as she pushed me away standing properly. 

Jungkook: aren't you the one who bumped into me earlier

I spoke all shocked but saw she was not looking at me and then I realized I was not wearing my shirt . She quickly went in the kitchen with that same cold stern gaze and I sprinted towards my suitcase to grab a shirt.

After wearing a shirt I came in the kitchen and saw halmeoni talking to her as they both saw me and halmeoni spoke .

Halmeoni : look mia he is my grandson jungkook.  Whom I use to tell you about .

Grandma gestured towards me . Ewww she use to tell her about me . God knows what she told.
Ohh I should great her.

Jungkook: hello I am Jeon Jungkook nice to meet you

I spoke gently towards her and smiled at her  but her face was still neutral .

Halmeoni : and jungkook she is Mia a very nice gurl . She lives nearby . And she takes  are of me alot

Halmeoni spoke when I heard her voice for the second time .

Mia : I am Mia.

She's spoke coldly and started to help halmeoni .

Strange why is she so cold. Did something bad happened with her.

Halmeoni : ok kids come sit down for dinner .

We all sat on the dinning table . I took a seat infront of her buy she never looked at me . Which made me wanted to know about her more.


To be continued

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