62. In the Eye of Evil (pt.1).

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Taehyung gently got closer as Y/N looked at him with her doe, teary eyes. She immediately looked down, not wanting to see him.

Taehyung's heart skipped a beat as he gently sat down beside her and asked, panicking, "Y/N? Is it because of yesterday? I'm sorry, Y/N. See, I'm sorry, butterfly. I didn't mean to."

Y/N shook her head, indicating no, and kept gently sniffling.

Taehyung's worry deepened. "Then what's wrong, sweetheart? You can tell me. Please, let me help."

She hesitated for a moment, then slowly reached out and placed her hand on his, her fingers trembling. Taehyung squeezed her hand reassuringly, waiting patiently for her to gather her thoughts.

Finally, Y/N looked up, her eyes filled with unspoken fears. Taehyung could see the pain in her gaze, and it broke his heart. "Whatever it is, you can tell me," he said softly. "I'm here for you, always."

Y/N took a deep breath, her sniffling gradually subsiding. She nodded slightly, showing her trust in him. Taehyung smiled gently, feeling a surge of relief and determination to make things right for her.

"Let's go inside, okay?" he suggested softly. "We can talk more comfortably there."

Y/N nodded again, and together they stood up, walking back into the house hand in hand.

He took her inside, guiding her gently to his room. As they entered, he sat down on his bed, ready to listen. Before he could even say something, Y/N got closer and sat down between his legs, curling up against his chest.

Taehyung, not knowing himself, wrapped his arms around her, providing the comfort she desperately needed. She began typing on her phone, letting him know everything that had happened today.

As he read her messages, Taehyung's heart ached with every word. He held her tighter, whispering softly, "I'm here for you, butterfly. You're safe now."

Y/N typed out, "It felt like I was invisible. I d...don't want to this disability. It makes me feel so worthless."

This text broke Taehyung's heart. He gently lifted her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes.

"Y/N, you're not worthless. Your voice might be silent, but you are heard and seen. You're incredibly strong and valuable to all of us," he said, his voice filled with sincerity and emotion. "Never forget that."

Taehyung held Y/N close, his heart aching at her words. He knew she could make sounds, and she had been trying so hard to push her limits.

Taehyung gently rubbed her back as she snuggled into his chest like a puppy, feeling so comfortable in his arms and soothed by his words. He carefully took out the chocolate he had brought for her. As she accepted it, he whispered a small "sorry."

Y/N nodded, opening the chocolate and placing a piece on his lips, causing a rush of butterflies and tingles in his heart. He gently lifted her chin, making her look up at him, his eyes lingering on her lips. Y/N felt a fluttering sensation in her tummy, an unfamiliar but pleasant warmth spreading through her.

With his hand under her chin and their faces so close, Taehyung looked at her with an intensity that made her heart race. He looked incredibly handsome to her in that moment, his eyes soft yet piercing, reflecting his deep emotions. Time seemed to stand still as they hovered on the brink of something new and tender, their breaths mingling, the world outside fading away.

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