Chapter 2 - Unreasonable

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"I introduce you to Area 1!" Justice yelled out proudly in front of the city as Hero walked up to him from behind, standing next to Justice as the two observed the tantamount of people living and working in the city.

"You know, I do have to thank you, I thought I was gonna be stuck in that disgustingly empty place forever! I owe you a lot, to be honest, and I'll do that by helping you, that, I've decided," Justice spoke, turning Hero as he crossed his arms.

"That is great to hear, but where are we to go from here?" Hero asked as he outstretched his arm toward the large city platforms.

"The only way, really," Justice said as he took a step forward, while Hero followed from behind as they took a deep breath.



"I have to say, Hero," Justice then stopped in his tracks as Hero stared at him from behind.

"I'll let you go alone for a while, it wouldn't be too helpful for your growth if I carried the whole thing, right?" Justice spoke, smiling as he turned his head around to look at Hero, who had a serious, yet agreeing face.

"That's fair," Hero said, nodding as he crossed his arms.

"But before you go, I ask, are there any real problems here?" Hero questioned.

"I don't know for sure but knowing this crazy world..." Justice responded as he snickered.

"The odds are at their highest,"

"I'll be your eye in the sky if that's the case, and plus, it's been a while since I've been here so I'll try and enjoy the time we have right now," Justice spoke as he then flew away at the speed of light, supposedly up to one of the skyscrapers on of the city platforms.

"Good that you will have a lot more time to relax, because I have a feeling this will take longer than I initially thought," Hero said to himself as he walked toward one of the city platforms through a pathway seemingly formed and created through magic.

"I feel my magic amplifying it... Does it only allow those with magic to walk this path?" Hero thought in curiosity as he looked down at the pathway.

"Then that would mean they are trapped," Hero then looked up at the residents of the city platform he was heading to, were they forced into this life? Or perhaps Hero was overthinking.

"Whatever it may be..."

"I'll help,"

As Hero finally stepped onto the city platform, after a concerningly long walk on the pathway, he immediately searched his surroundings, in an attempt to find anything unusual or dangerous.

But as he continued searching he stumbled upon what seemed to be a robot, specifically that of a janitor robot programmed only to clean.

"Remarkable technology this city has..." Hero commented before scouring the city once more in search of something, anything that could seem wrong.

However, little does he know, from above there seemed to be a certain individual watching him, cold and calculating as none of the civilians noticed him above.

"There is a black sheep," The individual spoke in a cold tone as they snickered, before disappearing into the rooftop.

Hero kept on walking until he could search for something wrong because, in a place like this, there most definitely is, at this rate that was the only thing in his thoughts.

But it seemed like his luck was starting to run out, as he had searched nearly everywhere and yet it amounted to nothing.

However, he then stumbled upon another individual, this time it seemed to be an office worker, they had just finished their shift and were most definitely tired as they were sitting on a bench in front of a large office complex.

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