Chapter 7 - Sneaking

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The London Sky was as dark as ever and as beautiful as the night was, all could agree that the day was what they missed the most.

It happened abruptly, without reason.

All they could hope was that it would soon turn day.

However, amidst the business...

"Well then, I expect we'll see each other later at the-" Justice said, who was about to send a small salute to Sherlock before he and Hero left, but suddenly, the three heard a scream from afar.

"That is no good, come on," Hero said, immediately running toward the source of the scream, to which Justice quickly followed after him.

"Ah, damn it, caught another one have you, Mad Scientist?" Sherlock said, gritting his teeth as he too started to rush over to where Hero and Justice were heading.

The three arrived at the scene, and they were shocked to see the body of a man, lying right on the ground, bloody and beaten, with teeth mangled, and eyes halfway to blindness, his Core was floating atop his body as all the civilians watched in horror, unable to move.

"What..?" Hero said, his eyes toughening up as he rushed over to the man, however, as he did so, Sherlock noticed something, the Core looked... Awfully bright, too bright in fact.

"Wait... A minute," Sherlock thought, his eyes straining as Justice noticed this, before turning back to Hero as the two of them realized the situation.

"HERO, DON'T TOUCH HIM, THE CORE IS OVERCHARGED, IT WILL EXPLODE!" The two of them yelled, almost simultaneously as Hero's eyes widened in puzzlement and surprise, along with the crowd who gasped in shock, but despite the bad situation, at that moment he was able to react just in time to form a dome-like magic barrier around the Core, if it could not stop the explosion, it could at least weaken it.

"EVERYONE GET BACK!" Sherlock shouted at the bystanders, who responded, panicking as they ran over to whatever could protect them.

So with that finished, Hero braced for impact as the Core soon exploded, with such a powerful explosion to the point the barrier almost cracked, as it slightly shook the street it was on, creating a large dust cloud.

A few seconds later...

"Hero?" Justice called out, to which the dust clouds slowly disappeared, and there stood Hero, scratched and dusted, standing upon the man's body, or at least where the man's body was before it was completely engulfed by his own Core Explosion.

"We were too late," Sherlock said, slightly pouting as he put his hands in his pocket.

"This is his doing, right?" Hero said in a voice that echoed, taking Justice and Sherlock by surprise for a moment before they quickly composed themselves.

"We will be going to the castle now,"

"This can not happen again,"

The three of them soon traveled up to The Castle, Hero was clearly angered by what happened, and supposedly, doing it now was not necessarily a bad idea, but they still had doubts...

"Is this really a good idea? Doing this so soon?" Justice questioned, his arms crossed as he, Sherlock, and Hero stood in front of its entrance.

"Well, we can all protect and help each other, so why not use this opportunity to finally expose this fraud? Especially after what he just did, and how Hero reacted..." Sherlock said, hands in his pocket as he grinned upon looking at the castle once more.

"That is fair," Justice spoke out as he stretched his hands.

"So, do you want things to be stealthy... Or shall we cause some chaos?"

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