Chapter 10 - Ripper

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In a black, endless void, the same as all the other empty horizons Hero had been present in, he awoke but was surprised to see nearly half of it had been taken over by a strange, red void as if something had leaked inside.

"At least it is something new," Hero said, closing his eyes and scratching the back of his head as he got up, he still felt his body and mind ache like earlier, though, weirdly enough he did not remember much, but its most likely a physical trauma response, he was sure he would remember sooner or later.

But as he opened his eyes, he saw another individual in the distance, turned around, their body was similar to Hero's although, it was completely red, although from what little Hero could see, their eyes were still a shining white.

"Looks like you didn't die, it's a shame really," Jack said, crossing his arms before turning around to face directly at Hero, taking a few steps forward in the process as the two locked eyes.

"Who is he?" Hero thought as he slightly clenched his fist, taking a step back as he felt like a fight would break out.

"Who are you, and... Why are you here?" Hero questioned in a serious tone.

"To put it simply, that mad scientist put my Core in your body, essentially, you have Multi-Personality Disorder, at least that's how it looks outside of this place," Jack answered in a slightly annoyed tone.

"So that's what it did..." Hero said as he looked at his chest once more, where the Core had entered.

"Time is a lot slower in places like these, no matter how long we have a talk for, it'll end up just being a millisecond outside," Jack spoke as he took another step closer to Hero, the two standing 3 feet away from each other.

"You have an ulterior motive... I can sense it, I've asked this so many times, it feels like I am about to go insane but... What is it that you people want from me?" Hero asked in a slightly fiercer tone.

"I just want revenge on that scientist for backstabbing me and then using me as one of his lab rats, literally and figuratively, and once that's done, I'll leave your body, but if that doesn't work, it is what it is," Jack said, smirking smugly as he shrugged his arms.

"And how will I know you won't hurt anyone after that?" Hero questioned as he took a step forward.

"You can take back control, it's a lot easier than you think since you are the original Core of this body, you have the dominance to take back your control, and you can view what I'm doing since again, you are the original Core," Jack said before suddenly grabbing Hero by the collar rather aggressively.

"Let's not waste time, like I said, I want my get back, and it just so happens that arrogant madman gave me quite the vessel to use, and trust me when I say I will use it to the maximum," Jack said as he chuckled, with a hint of insanity as Hero sighed in disappointment.

"Fine..." Hero responded, still slightly skeptical, but nevertheless, it seemed like he had no other option.

And plus, I suppose he could understand.

Anyone could hate him.

Soon after, the red part of the void took over the black part of the void in an instant as everything flashed a bright red light.

Back to reality, inside The Castle...

The red ball of magic electricity burst through magical walls, ripping through them as The Scientist dashed back, his yellow magical aura leaking out as Jack The Ripper, within Hero's body, stepped out of the box.

"I admit, you're still as powerful as ever, it took both my and that brat's magic to break through it," Jack said, dusting off his clothing, rolling his shoulders as he then stared at The Scientist with violent intent.

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