Chapter 19 - Fracas

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In vast spaces of The Kingdom, and in the near center of it was a public diner for all of the people in The Kingdom to enjoy, although, it was unusually empty and quiet, understandable, for it was a busy day today.

There were only about 4 tables filled out of the 20 that were there, and of those 4 was Justice, who did not wish to order anything but rather just wanted a place where he could peacefully ponder.

"...The magic I infused into Hero's aura earlier..." Justice thought, staring at the hardwood table as he rested his head on his right hand.

"Should alert me if he were in a near-death experience," Justice then smiled lightly as he looked up to see the diner lights before taking a sharp breath.

"Still, is it irresponsible of me to leave him alone? Ah, perhaps... But would it be good for me to constantly carry him to victory, with no room for improvement left? Not at all, plus, I suppose I should be the one to deal with those knights..." Justice said to himself, thinking as he tapped on his forehead a few times.

"Now that I think about it, shouldn't they have found me by then from my magical presence-?" Justice thought, until suddenly, the door to the diner kicked wide open, surprising what little company it had within, while Justice sighed in clear annoyance.

"Speak of the devil," Justice stood up, releasing his disguise as his body turned back to a bright, flaming yellow as he stared down the three Special Division Knights who had arrived to execute him for good, he then ripped off the cloak that was on him, as he looked at it for a moment.

"Surrender and we could possibly spare you," One of the three knights spoke as their body was covered in a geo-like magic.

"What if I choose the former-?" Justice said as he swiftly dodged a near point-blank magic arrow made out of pure poison and acid it shot the wall, which corroded in a matter of seconds before being reduced to a sticky, moldy substance.

"That answers that," Justice spoke, shrugging his arms before suddenly jumping on one of the tables, and dashing towards the Special Knights who were caught off-guard by Justice's speed, to say the least.

And the moment Justice got in front of them, he grabbed all of them with a large arm made out of light magic before pushing them out of the diner, in which they all got back on their footing, stabilizing their balance as they looked at Justice, who stepped out of the hole in the wall.

He stood idly while the special knights got in their stances, their magical auras becoming present to Justice who only took a deep breath in response.

"I'll pay for the damages of this place once I'm done with you three," Justice spoke, stretching his arms.

But then Justice stopped for a moment, looking around, the place he was in, seemed rather familiar.

"Ah, right..."

"This was that blacksmith's place, huh?" Justice's face turned gloomy as he took a deep breath.

Back within The Castle...

Hero burst up through the 76th floor, it took a while but he was getting closer, and while he did so, he was sensing a large magical presence up above, which he could not help but be attracted to, as it was clearly that of a Guardian's.

Although, before Hero jumped up to the 77th floor, he took this time to rest, lying down near a pillar, along the way he had fought numerous of those Special Knights, which slowly but surely started to drain not only his magic but his stamina as well.

The back of his head dropped on the ground, while he simultaneously let out a deep groan as he covered his face with his head.

"...52 of them," Hero spoke before sitting back up, and looking over to the pillar next to him he then rotated his lower body, resting his back on the pillar while he sat upright as he closed his eyes.

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